The U.K. government today announced it would adopt a much tougher climate target of slashing carbon emissions 78% by 2035, in a British bid to claim global leadership on climate action.
Introducing the target as part of the U.K.’s Sixth Carbon Budget, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said: “We want to continue to raise the bar on tackling climate change, and that’s why we’re setting the most ambitious target to cut emissions in the world.”
Dogged by high profile criticism of its climate record well ahead of the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow—which is currently under threat from coronavirus—the latest news indicates the U.K. government is keen to boost its credibility on climate. The announcement also throws down a challenge to U.S. President Joe Biden, who will unveil America’s eagerly anticipated climate pledge this week.
Carbon budgets, set every five years, are the system the U.K. uses to restrict greenhouse gas emissions in line with the country’s legally binding obligation to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. The Sixth Carbon Budget covers the period 2033-2037, and sees the government adopting the advice of the independent Climate Change Committee, the country’s most senior climate body. The U.K.’s previous target was an emissions cut of 68% by 2030.
Crucially, and for the first time, the new budget covers emissions from aviation and shipping, making reductions in those sectors legally binding.
But following the announcement, responses from climate researchers and campaigners developed a common theme: the new ambition should be welcomed, but how does the government propose to achieve it?
Mark Maslin, professor of earth system science at University College London, was concise in his reaction: “PROBLEM,” he wrote, “we have no policies to achieve this target.”
Ed Matthew, campaigns director at independent climate think tank E3G, said: “The UK now has the opportunity to spark a global green industrial revolution, but ultimately its credibility will rest on action.”
And Green Party MP Caroline Lucas tweeted: “Stronger targets welcome but undermined by lack of policies to deliver them. Govt must: cancel £27bn road building plan; reverse scrapping of home retrofit programme; leave fossil fuels in ground; transform economy to put wellbeing above growth.”
Devil In The Detail
To break down what coherent policy action might look like, spoke to Leo Murray, director of innovation at climate charity Possible, who welcomed the new ambition but stressed that such a pledge did not automatically equate to action.
“Historically, Britain has reduced emissions much faster than anybody else, and we’re rightly proud of that record,” he said. “But this masks a bunch of things. For a start, the rate of emissions reductions has been decelerating.”
Murray noted that’s because most of the U.K.’s emissions reductions have been in the power sector, where electricity generation has rapidly decarbonized. But with almost no coal power stations left in the U.K., it was getting harder to achieve dramatic emissions cuts in that area. Meanwhile, in other key sectors such as transport, agriculture and heating, he pointed out, little to no progress had been made. As a result, the U.K. is set to miss its own carbon reduction target, as laid out in its Fifth Carbon Budget, by some 313 million tons of carbon dioxide-equivalent emissions.
“In transport, emissions are effectively the same as they were in 1990,” Murray said. “What we haven’t done is invest in public transport in the way we need to, or in rail electrification.” Instead, the government intends to spend £27 billion ($38 billion) on building roads.
At the same time, the limited take-up of electric vehicles (EVs) in the U.K. had been dwarfed by sales of gas guzzling vehicles like SUVs. “Government ministers like to say that an EV was sold every 15 minutes in 2019,” Murray said. “But for every EV sold, 37 SUVs were sold. So people have been switching to larger, more polluting vehicles much faster in the U.K.” As a result, average emissions for U.K. cars have actually risen since 2016, and continue to rise.
Murray suggested U.K. ministers could look to Norway, which leads the world in EV usage owing to significant policy interventions by the government.
Another sector that needed to see massive change, Murray said, was heating: the vast majority of British homes and buildings are heated using natural gas, and many if not most homes are poorly insulated. “We’ve got the leakiest housing stock in Europe; the efficiency of our buildings is very poor,” Murray said. “We’ve known for a long time that meeting climate change targets will require upgrading our housing stock, so it’s extraordinary that we’ve not done anything about it.”
Murray pointed to England’s short-lived Green Homes Grant, a government program to subsidize the insulation of homes, which was cancelled just six months after its launch, with the government claiming there had been little take-up among the public. “Instead of fixing the scheme they just scrapped it and didn’t replace it with anything,” Murray said. “None of that inspires confidence.”
Elsewhere, Murray highlighted agriculture as a sector that was greatly in need of reform—but one that could prove most difficult to fix.
“Nearly all of the emissions come from livestock, and that’s to do with our appetite for meat and dairy,” he said. Then again, the rise of vegetarianism and veganism among younger people in the U.K. suggested that, “actually people in Britain are now kind of ahead of where the government is on this, but there’s no policy at all to reduce livestock emissions.”
Up And Away
Murray welcomed the news that aviation would now be included in the government’s legally mandated emissions plan, saying that action was long past due.
“In the U.K., our continued refusal to take responsibility for aviation emissions within our own legally binding framework has created this gray area in which aviation has just been allowed to continue to expand and emissions continue to rise,” he said. “So it’s brilliant that they’re doing this. That is actual global leadership—because until now it’s just been a game of ‘pass the buck.’”
Here too, however, the government badly needed to flesh out its plans for decarbonization, with few solid proposals on how it would achieve those cuts.
“The things the government has cited [with regard to bringing down aviation emissions] are innovations like hydrogen-powered planes and carbon capture and storage; that’s very tech-unicorn speculative stuff,” Murray said. “Therefore I don’t know if the government has fully computed that its target certainly means no more airport expansions, and it probably means fewer flights.”
As the Committee on Climate Change has recommended, passenger demand for air travel will almost certainly need to be constrained in order to achieve 2050 emissions targets. Here, other countries have pulled ahead of the U.K.—most notably France, which this month announced a ban on most short-haul domestic flights. And as Murray wrote recently, that decision should be upheld as a concrete example of actions trumping words.
Once again, when it comes to climate credibility, the government will need to prove that it is prepared to walk the walk.
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