Microbial technology flattens the decline curve, stabilizes production three to four years

Using microbes in petroleum production is not a new phenomenon. Producers have used them to clean up wax in wellbores, clear scales deposited on downhole tubulars and pumps and remediate oil spills. But Transworld Technologies Inc. uses them in a new way to boost the top line:  to stimulate native microbes already in wells to naturally increase oil and natural gas production in mature reservoirs. Transworld Technologies’ Active8 and Reactive8 solutions enhance production from crude oil and natural gas formations, by stimulating biogenic methane production in gas reservoirs and improving water flow diversion in unswept areas of oil reservoirs.

Transworld Technologies uses microbes to stimulate existing microbes and boost production from oil and gas reservoirs - Oil & Gas 360

Transworld Technologies uses microbes to stimulate existing microbes and boost production from oil and gas reservoirs. Graphic Illustration by EnerCom Consulting, Denver

Microbes Assisting Microbes

Transworld Technologies’ skid-mounted solutions connect directly to existing field production infrastructure, and in most cases do not interfere with ongoing operations. Once the solution is implemented, the self-contained injection skid is removed. The company estimates Active8 for oil treatments are sustainable over three to four years, and ReActive8 for natural gas reservoirs has increased production more than 50% in some cases.

Transworld is focused on designing products to accelerate production and extend the economic life of declining oil and biogenic gas reservoirs. The company uses a straightforward approach to analyze the environmental characteristics of a well and design a formulation that fits the microbial environment.

Spreading the Word

Transworld recently launched a new website created by EnerCom that features custom graphics and a unique navigation system to show the company’s technology. The Transworld website may be accessed at www.transworldtechinc.com.

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