As technology quickly "eats the world," changing the way we work, dine, learn, and interact with one another, the energy industry has been fairly insulated from disruption. A gas station today looks and operates similar to a gas station 50 years ago, power plants are still burning coal and natural gas to power the country, and the natural resources that fuel the energy industry are largely unchanged in the past century. But the status quo is about to be turned on its head.
As a new decade begins, a revolution is changing everything we know about energy. Renewable energy has reached a scale and cost that mean it's now replacing fossil fuels in electricity generation. In the auto industry, electric vehicles (EVs) are finally reaching a point where they can't be ignored by any manufacturer. And in the next few years, EVs may lead to a tipping point in energy away from fossil fuels to an electrified future. If they aren't already, investors better be paying attention.
Image source: Tesla.
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Source: Motley Fool
(January 17, 2020 - 10:18 AM EST)
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