Political Risk: University of Colorado Denver Business School’s GEM Program & PinkPetro will Host a Free Lunch Panel June 23, 2016
Global Energy Professionals are Invited to Attend a Free Lunch Panel on Political Risk in Energy – Available Live and Online
After two years of headwinds from lower commodity prices, the winds of political risk are blowing hard from many directions against anyone who would develop legacy energy resources.
From ballot initiatives seeking to stop energy development in Colorado by creating a constitutional amendment that would impose a permanent 2,500 foot setback for oil and gas operations, to environmental groups taking FERC to court to try to stop the development of natural gas pipelines in Pennsylvania, assessing and managing political risk is becoming a priority for energy companies operating in the USA.
Energy Experts will Look at Political Risk in the U.S.
The University of Colorado Denver’s Business School’s Graduate Energy Management program, in conjunction with Houston-based PinkPetro, will host a free lunch presentation for energy professionals to be held in Denver, Thursday June 23, at 11:30 a.m.
Hosted by Jim Marchiori, the University of Colorado Denver Business School – executive director of the Global Energy Management program, the free lunch and panel discussion will bring together energy experts who have first-hand knowledge of political risk and energy development. The program is called “The Perfect Storm: Managing Political Risk in Energy.”
Panelists include Tracee Bentley, executive director of Colorado Petroleum Council, American Petroleum Institute; Stephen Flaherty, director of government relations for Halliburton; and Brian Miller, director, U.S. onshore government relations and communications for Noble Energy.
In addition to CU Denver’s Marchiori, moderators David Gardy and Katie Mehnert of PinkPetro, will participate live from Washington, DC, and Houston.
WHEN: Thursday, June 23, 2016
- Registration & Lunch 11:30 a.m. MDT
- Panel Discussion / Q&A: Noon-1:00 p.m.
WHERE: University of Colorado Denver
- Laube Commons, 1475 Lawrence Street, Denver, Colorado 80202
REGISTER online for live or online attendance for this event.