Post Tagged with: "shell"

Shell-BG Merger Accounts for 73% of Q2 M&A

Shell-BG Merger Accounts for 73% of Q2 M&A

M&A activity down in terms of volume, but Shell-BG megadeal pushes overall dollar value up

The second quarter of 2015 showed the largest amount of activity in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in the oil and gas sector by value since …

July 22, 2015 - 1:28 pm Mergers & Acquisitions, Oil and Gas 360 Articles
Kinder Morgan Purchases 100% of Elba LNG, Raises Distribution 14%

Kinder Morgan Purchases 100% of Elba LNG, Raises Distribution 14%

KMI buys remaining 49% of joint venture with Shell

Kinder Morgan (ticker: KMI) announced today that it has reached an agreement with Royal Dutch Shell (ticker: RDSA) to purchase the remaining equity interest in Elba Liquefaction Company (ELC), a liquefied …

July 16, 2015 - 7:03 pm LNG, Oil and Gas 360 Articles
Source: Rosneft Komsomolsk Refinery

Over $1 Billion in Deals coming out of Forum in Russia

Attendance at this year’s St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) is up from a year ago when many Western companies decided to decline invitations in the wake of Russia’s involvement in Ukraine. This year, many American companies have decided to …

June 19, 2015 - 4:59 pm International, Midstream, Oil and Gas 360 Articles, Popular
LNG Canada Receives Positive Environmental Assessment

LNG Canada Receives Positive Environmental Assessment

The Shell-backed LNG project in B.C. received environmental approval for its four-train LNG terminal

LNG Canada, a consortium led by Shell (ticker: RDSA) with Asian partners including PetroChina (ticker: PTR) and Mitsubishi Corp, received approval for its LNG project in …

June 17, 2015 - 6:47 pm Canada, LNG, Oil and Gas 360 Articles
Shell Nearing Arctic Development – Under Watchful Eyes

Shell Nearing Arctic Development – Under Watchful Eyes

Huge Expectations, Huge Investment

“If you talk about 500 million barrels, I don’t think that will cut it. It must be a multi-multi-billion barrel discovery that we have there.”

After investing six years and $6 billion of its development capital, …

Source: Rosneft

Shell Prepares to Go Back to the Arctic

Shell exec has eyes set to the North

Royal Dutch Shell (ticker: RDSA) is preparing to return to the Arctic and begin exploring for the first time since 2012, according to Chief Financial

Officer Simon Henry. Henry said the oil …

Source: Royal Dutch Shell

Shell and BG Deal not Likely to Spur LNG M&A Boom

Shell/BG will not be the harbinger of more LNG M&A

The recent proposed $70 billion purchase of BG Group (ticker: BG) by Royal Dutch Shell (ticker: RDSA) will make the industry’s liquefied natural gas giant even bigger. Shell already had …

April 15, 2015 - 1:21 pm LNG, Mergers & Acquisitions, Oil and Gas 360 Articles
TOP MINDS IN THE BUSINESS – John Hofmeister – Part III

TOP MINDS IN THE BUSINESS – John Hofmeister – Part III

In this final installment, former Shell Oil Company President John Hofmeister talks about the false notion of energy independence, the need for two-way oil and gas trading, the Jones Act, removing barriers to the movement of energy, and the Keystone

April 10, 2015 - 1:29 pm Videos
OPEC Has Outlived its Usefulness: Hofmeister

OPEC Has Outlived its Usefulness: Hofmeister

Former Shell Chief John Hofmeister talks about Saudi Arabia’s Impact on World Oil Prices and the Weakening of OPEC in Part II of this interview for TOP MINDS IN THE BUSINESS

John D. Hofmeister is a seasoned business leader with …

April 2, 2015 - 3:15 pm Oil and Gas 360 Articles, Videos
Oil Majors Expanding Offshore Operations in Myanmar

Oil Majors Expanding Offshore Operations in Myanmar

Chevron signed a production sharing contract in its 2.6 million acre A5 block offshore Myanmar

Chevron Corp. (ticker: CVX) has signed a production sharing contract (PSC) with Myanma Oil & Gas Enterprise (MOGE) to explore oil and gas in the …

March 25, 2015 - 6:13 pm International, Offshore, Oil and Gas 360 Articles

Shell Retracts Application for Oilsands Mine

The oil major withdrew an application for its Pierre River Mine, may reapply ‘when the time is right’

Royal Dutch Shell (ticker: RDSA) withdrew its regulatory application today for the proposed Pierre River Mine north of Fort McMurray, Alberta. The …

February 23, 2015 - 5:46 pm Canada, Oil and Gas 360 Articles
Dana Gas Iraq Operations

Shell Inks Deal for $11 Billion Petrochemical Plant in Iraq

Plant will make Iraq largest petrochemical producer in the Middle East

Royal Dutch Shell (ticker: RDSA) signed a deal with Iraq on Wednesday for $11 billion to build a petrochemical plant in the southern oil hub of Basra. Shell has …

January 30, 2015 - 2:06 pm International, Oil and Gas 360 Articles
Chevron Cancels Shale Gas Deal in Ukraine

Chevron Cancels Shale Gas Deal in Ukraine

Chevron (ticker: CVX) has terminated its contract with Ukraine to extract shale gas in the western part of the country. The world’s third largest oil company by market cap spent more than a year to get the government to simplify …

December 15, 2014 - 6:52 pm International, Oil and Gas 360 Articles
Shell Wins Tax Battle in India

Shell Wins Tax Battle in India

Bombay High Court’s decision could make India more attractive to foreign companies

Royal Dutch Shell (ticker: RDS) has won its court case in India over a $2.5 billion lawsuit. The Indian tax authority tried to collect transfer pricing taxes on …

November 20, 2014 - 6:41 pm International, Oil and Gas 360 Articles
Supermajor Makes Splash with MLP IPO

Supermajor Makes Splash with MLP IPO

In August, James Baker of Simmons & Company said Royal Dutch Shell’s (ticker: RDS.B) public offering of its midstream segment would be a “sea change event.” It did not disappoint. Bloomberg reports it was the best trading debut by an …

October 29, 2014 - 6:28 pm Analytics, MLPs, Oil and Gas 360 Articles