Thursday, March 6, 2025

Specialty Sand Market Heats Up with Drilling

From CBC Signs of the Canadian oil and gas industry’s recovery from a punishing two-year downturn are emerging in unlikely places, including fine grains of sand. Demand for the especially round and crush-proof type of sand used to help extract shale oil and gas is climbing, as more drilling rigs get fired up and operators pump higher amounts of sand

RPC, Inc. Increases Revenue by 93.4% to $427.3 Million

RPC, Inc. (ticker: RES) announced today its unaudited results for the fourth quarter and year ended December 31, 2017. For the quarter ended December 31, 2017, revenues increased by 93.4% to $427.3 million, compared to $221.0 million in the fourth quarter of 2016. For the twelve months ended December 31, 2017, revenues increased by 118.8% to $1.6 billion compared to $729.0 million for 2016. Net income for the twelve-month period was $162.5

Ban on Sand for Oil and Gas Development Prompts Lawsuit in Minnesota

Is sand the new oil & gas battleground? Is sand the next battleground for energy development? The early salvos are taking place in Minnesota’s Winona County. In late 2016, Winona County commissioners voted to ban what the Minneapolis Star Tribune phrased in its report “the highly contentious industry of frac sand mining.” According to the report, opponents of frac sand