Saturday, March 8, 2025
Piceance Basin map

Oil Company Plans to Drill on Same Pad, but Farther from Homes

Unable to get a waiver from homeowner whose rental property is less than 500 feet from well site From the Grand Junction Sentinel Denver-based Ursa Resources is planning to move equipment to the far edge of a proposed oil and gas pad in Battlement Mesa to avoid the need for a state rule variance, due to its inability to get

N.D. Supreme Court Upholds State’s Million-Dollar Oilfield Saltwater Dumping Penalty

The North Dakota Supreme Court today ruled in favor of the North Dakota Industrial Commission, Oil and Gas Division (OGD) regarding a case seeking a civil penalty plus costs and expenses from Black Hills Trucking (BHT) for illegally dumping saltwater in 2014. The Commission sought $950,000 in penalties from BHT for illegally releasing saltwater from a truck on three different

Three New COGCC Members Appointed by Colo. Gov. Hickenlooper

Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper has appointed three new members of the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) for terms which start immediately and will expire July 1, 2020. Membership of the commission is mandated by law to include a mix of members from varying backgrounds including the oil and gas industry, agriculture, government interests, royalty owners and others. The governor’s

Donald Trump Speaks in Colorado on the Eve of Independence Day

Trump is headliner at the Western Conservative Summit In his first appearance in Colorado since he launched his campaign for the 2016 presidential election, presumed Republican nominee Donald Trump spoke to several thousand attendees at an event today at the Colorado Convention Center in downtown Denver. During the hour-long speech, Trump hit upon the main points of his campaign policies,

GOM Drilling: Federal Government Proposes New Offshore Regulations

New offshore regulations targeted at preventing emergency situations like BP’s Macondo come with $31-billion price tag: API The Obama administration will issue new regulations for offshore oil and gas operators this Thursday. The regulations will require more preventative measures to be used in offshore oil wells in order to avoid blowouts like the one that took place at BP’s (ticker:

Exclusive interview Oil & Gas 360 - Wyoming Governor Matt Mead

An OAG360® Exclusive: Interview with Matt Mead, Governor of Wyoming

“Energy prices touch everything we do.” Listen to the interview Wyoming is the most energy intensive state. It’s the largest U.S. coal producer, producing about 40% of total coal mined per year in the U.S. It’s the country’s eighth most productive oil state, and it’s sixth in natural gas production. This week Oil & Gas 360® had an opportunity to talk

Northern Long-Eared Bat Proposed Buffer Zone

Northern Long-eared Bat Added to the Threatened Species List

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) announced the northern long-eared bat is now classified as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). This new designation allows the FWS to create regulations that protect the animal from becoming endangered or extinct. The bat was added to the threatened species list because its populations were being “devastated” by a