Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Texas Flag - oilandgas360

Permian Basin Production Breaks 44-Year Record: IHS

Permian production will push U.S. to new record liquids production by end of 2018 – IHS Markit IHS Markit released a new report today. IHS Markit said that the Permian Basin reached a new 2017 oil-production record of 815 million barrels – this does not include the remaining days left in 2017. The old 1973 record held at 790 million

Devon joins shale firms to cut spending as oil hovers at $30- oil and gas 360

Devon Energy Drills Record-Breaking STACK Well

Devon Energy (ticker: DVN) announced July 11th that it had brought a record setting well to production. The well reached a 24-hour peak production rate of 6,000 BOEPD, 50% of which was oil. The record-setting well, called the Privott 17-H, produced out of the Meramec in the STACK play. The well’s initial production rate is the highest of any STACK