Wednesday, March 12, 2025
States sue BOEM over “egregious” $7 billion decommissioning rule targeting small oil and gas companies- oil and gas 360

States sue BOEM over “egregious” $7 billion decommissioning rule targeting small oil and gas companies

World Oil (WO) – Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi have sued the U.S. government to block a proposed rule by the Biden administration that would require offshore oil and gas companies to provide nearly $7 billion in financial assurances for decommissioning old infrastructure. The decommissioning rule, targeting smaller companies lacking investment-grade ratings or sufficient proven reserves, supposedly “protects” taxpayers from covering

Weekly Gas Storage: Inventories increase by 76 Bcf- oil and gas 360

More energy is used per person for transportation in states with low population density

EIA Oil & Gas 360 Publishers Note: Great report from the EIA – However I have one question – How will all of the people leaving the major population centers change this report?  According to the latest data estimates in the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) State Energy Data System (SEDS), people in geographically large states with small populations, such as Alaska,

Several stalled or presumed dead energy projects are back in the driver’s seat in 2017,

Enbridge to Keep Kentucky Gas Pipe Shut for at Least a Week After Blast

From Reuters Canadian energy company Enbridge Inc said the section of its Texas Eastern pipeline in Kentucky that exploded on Thursday, killing one person, will remain shut through at least Aug. 12. Enbridge said in a notice to customers Monday afternoon it is working with federal and state officials investigating the incident and has not estimated when the damaged section

Mississippi LNG Project Receives Draft EIS

FERC Staff Issues the draft EIS for the Gulf LNG Liquefaction Project The staff of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC or Commission) has prepared a draft environmental impact statement (EIS) for the Gulf LNG Liquefaction Project (Project) proposed by Gulf LNG Liquefaction Company, LLC; Gulf LNG Energy, LLC; and Gulf LNG Pipeline, LLC (GLP). The project is under the

EnerCom Dallas 2018 Presenter: Goodrich Petroleum Corporation

Goodrich Petroleum Corporation (ticker: GDP) is an independent E&P headquartered in Houston, Texas with operations in Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi. The company’s preliminary capital expenditure budget for 2018 stands at $65 to $75 million and will be directed towards the company’s core acreage in the Haynesville shale. Goodrich Petroleum plans to drill 16 gross horizontal wells in 2018, with an

Exclusive Interview with Russ Porter, President and CEO, Gastar Exploration

We are going to react to whatever is the best long term move for our shareholders: Porter Gastar Exploration’s President and CEO Russ Porter spoke to Oil & Gas 360®’s Angie Austin at the EnerCom conference in Denver last week. Porter talked about enhancing company liquidity, the move to a pure play producer, and STACK economics. Gastar Exploration Inc. (ticker: