Saturday, January 11, 2025
Exclusive: Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage Panel at the 2023 EnerCom Denver-The Energy Investment Conference- oil and gas 360

Exclusive: Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) Panel at the 2023 EnerCom Denver-The Energy Investment Conference

Panel Moderator: Rick Talley, CEO, Netherland, Sewell & Associates, Inc. (NSAI) Netherland, Sewell & Associates, Inc. (NSAI) was founded in 1961 to provide the highest quality engineering and geological consulting to the petroleum industry. Today they are recognized as the worldwide leader of petroleum property analysis to industry and financial organizations and government agencies. With offices in Dallas and Houston,

Exclusive: Milestone Carbon at the 2023 EnerCom Denver-The Energy Investment Conference- oil and gas 360

Exclusive: Milestone Carbon at the 2023 EnerCom Denver-The Energy Investment Conference

Milestone Carbon, LLC is a subsidiary of Milestone Environmental Services, LLC (“Milestone”). Milestone Carbon offers turnkey solutions for the permanent geological sequestration of CO2—including design, permitting, development, and operations—for midstream and other significant industrial emitters. Applying Milestone’s vast knowledge and experience of developing complex injection operations, Milestone Carbon customers will benefit from the safe, reliable disposal and monetization of their

Exclusive: Milestone Carbon at EnerCom Dallas-The Energy Investment & ESG Conference®- oil and gas 360

Exclusive: Milestone Carbon at EnerCom Dallas-The Energy Investment & ESG Conference®

Publisher’s Note: View EnerCom Dallas-The Energy Investment & ESG Conference® replays free for a limited time. Milestone Carbon is a subsidiary of Milestone Environmental Services, LLC (“Milestone”). Milestone Carbon offers turnkey solutions for the permanent geological sequestration of CO2—including design, permitting, development, and operations—for significant industrial emitters. Applying Milestone’s vast knowledge and experience of developing complex injection operations, Milestone Carbon