Wednesday, March 12, 2025

United States Powers Up Commodities Exports in 2022

The United States will become a net energy exporter in 2022, according to the newly released Annual Energy Outlook 2018 (AEO2018) Reference case from the EIA. The cause? EIA says changes in the petroleum and natural gas market are driving potential exports upward. The transition from net energy importer to net energy exporter occurs even earlier in some sensitivity cases

Nord Stream Gas Pipeline Sends 51 Bcm to EU

The Nord Stream Pipeline delivered 51 billion cubic meters (Bcm) of natural gas to consumers in the European Union in 2017. This means that the pipeline system operated at 93% of its annual design capacity of 55 Bcm. This is the highest utilization since the start of operation of the Nord Stream Pipeline System, the company said in a statement.

Kuwait Petroleum and Shell Sign 15-Year Agreement

Royal Dutch Shell plc (ticker: RDS.A) and Kuwait Petroleum Corp. have signed an LNG contract that secures Kuwait’s domestic energy needs for the next 15 years. A private source told Bloomberg that the contract will cover 2-3 million metric tons of LNG a year, all while undercutting Brent benchmark prices by 11%. “The big issue for Kuwait is they burn

China’s Crying Need for NatGas—a Discovery in Bohai’s Shallow Water, LNG Demand Booming

China on a tear to expand domestic gas output and diversify its natural gas imports China’s quest for natural gas “China supports domestic enterprises to increase natural gas output and at the same time to diversify imports of the resource,” said spokesperson Gao Feng at a regular press conference, Hellenic Shipping News reported. China’s natural gas import is expected to

Canadian Heavy Oil Prices are Falling Faster than Global Crude Benchmarks - Oil & Gas 360

All-Time High for U.S. Crude Exports

Widening spread incentivizes marketers to export abroad: Fed U.S. crude oil exports went from 1.29 MMBOPD in Sept. to 1.78 MMBOPD in Oct., an all-time high according to the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. The crude oil export ban was lifted in Dec. 2015 and infrastructure was built or modified to help exports. One major construction project was the Ingleside

coal mine Wyoming

U.S. Coal Finds Market in Europe, Gas Too

U.S. responsible for 40% of the world’s new gas production by 2022: IEA A report by the EIA indicated that coal exports—for both steam coal, used for power generation, and metallurgical coal, used for refining steel—have increased by 58% from Q1 of 2016 to Q1 of 2017. The majority of the increase was in steam coal, which grew by 6

Expect Higher Crude Oil Exports to European, Asian Markets:  WoodMac

In its appearance at EIA’s annual Energy Conference last week, Wood Mackenzie gave a presentation on crude oil exports, saying that U.S. crude oil exports rose in tandem with U.S. oil production following the repeal of the U.S.’s 40-year crude oil export ban in December, 2015. Oil from North Dakota, Texas moves to users in Asia and Europe According to

Saudi Arabia Now Targeting U.S. Data to Boost Prices

As production cuts fail to raise prices further, Saudi Arabia looks to influence U.S. data to strengthen commodity prices Crude oil prices hit a five-week low Wednesday as OPEC production rose and U.S. inventories showed smaller than expected draws. OPEC has been trying to bolster oil prices with a production cut deal, but increased output from Libya and Nigeria, both


China Lowers Export Quotas 40% for Majors

Larger quotas expected later in 2017 China will cut its export quotas to the country’s oil majors by 40% in the first round of licenses for 2017, reports Reuters, even as traders expect allowances for overseas sales to meet or exceed this year’s record levels. The Ministry of Commerce and the General Administration of Customs said the four state majors

Indian Crude Oil Imports Up 17.7% from Last Year – Hitting Record High

Crude oil imports in India reach 4.47 MMBOPD Demand for crude oil in India remains a bright spot in the markets as imports continue to grow month-over-month. Imports of crude oil grew to a record high 4.47 MMBOPD in September, according to Reuters, 17.7% higher than this time last year. The increased imports lent some support to oil prices today,

China’s Crude Oil Output Hits Six-Year Low

China’s crude oil imports at a four-month high as the country halts high-cost production Crude oil production from the world’s largest energy consumer hit a six-year low in August, according to information released by the National Bureau of Statistics Tuesday. Production in China fell 9.9% from a year ago to about 3.9 MMBOPD, the lowest since December 2009, according to

Exclusive Interview With Elizabeth Ames Coleman, Former Chairman, Texas Railroad Commission

Crude oil plays an important role in both energy and politics, and sometimes policy can have a significant impact on the development of the oil and gas industry. In order to help companies navigate the obstacles of federal regulation, Former Chairman of the Texas Railroad Commission Elizabeth Ames Coleman now works as an advocate for the industry in her current