Saturday, February 22, 2025

Halliburton, Baker Hughes Announce First $3.5 Billion of Divestitures, More to Follow

Oilservice major Halliburton announces marketing of certain assets to satisfy antitrust laws Earlier this month, Halliburton (ticker: HAL) announced that it would divest $3.5 billion in assets in the first round of divestitures to satisfy antitrust concerns in its $35 billion acquisition of Baker Hughes (ticker: BHI). HAL will be separately marketing for sale the company’s Fixed Cutter and Roller

Halliburton Beats Analyst Estimates Despite Posting Q1’15 Loss

Analysts Impressed by Single-Digit Margin Losses Awaiting the Storm:  4,000 Deferred Well Completions Halliburton (ticker: HAL) had a tall task to live up to its record revenues from fiscal 2014, and although the company reported losses in Q1’15, its financials beat street estimates and showed resilience in an oilservice market that has become oversupplied. Halliburton management estimated that as many

Halliburton, Baker Hughes Looking to Sell up to $10 Billion in Assets

Asset sales would satisfy antitrust laws Next month Halliburton (ticker: HAL) and Baker Hughes (ticker: BHI) plan to seek out buyers for as much as $10 billion in assets in order to avoid antitrust concerns and complete their merger, sources familiar with the matter told Bloomberg. The divestitures will target at least four overlapping areas of business in the companies

Halliburton, Baker Hughes Each Close on Record Years in Q4’14 Results

Two oilservice giants standing tall in face of downturn The oil and gas industry may be bracing for a downturn in drilling operations, but Halliburton (ticker: HAL) and Baker Hughes (ticker: BHI) are entering 2015 on the heels of one of the finest years in each company’s respective history. Discussions for the merger are continuing as planned and are expected

Halliburton, Baker Hughes to Merge in $34.6 Billion Deal

Includes $3.5 Billion Payout to Baker Hughes if Merger Fails to Gain Antitrust Approval The rumblings of a landmark oilservices deal that began on Thursday evening came to fruition over the weekend. By Monday, November 17, 2014, Halliburton (ticker: HAL), the second largest oilservices provider, announced plans to merge with rival Baker Hughes (BHI). BHI, the world’s third largest oilservices

Two of Top Three OilService Companies Speak of Merger

Halliburton (ticker: HAL) and Baker Hughes (ticker: BHI) have begun preliminary talks of a merger, Dow Jones reported on November 13, 2014. BHI confirmed the report later in the evening but did not make any guarantees as to the completion of the merger. “Baker Hughes does not intend to comment further on market speculation or disclose any developments unless and until it