Friday, January 10, 2025
Texas Flag - oilandgas360

New Texas Law Pre-empts Local Frac Bans

HB 40 hopes to clarify limits of local control on oil and gas operations, preventing frac bans Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed legislation today designed to pre-empt local regulations on drilling activities in the state. The bill, House Bill 40, will avoid a “patchwork of local regulations” that might hamper oil and gas production, according to Gov. Abbot. According to

Oklahoma Senate Says No to Frac Bans

A bill that would prohibit local frac bans is expected to reach the Governor The Oklahoma House approved a bill 64-32 that would prevent local governments from enacting bans on hydraulic fracturing. Senate Bill 809 would leave local governments with the power to enact “reasonable ordinances” in regards to oil and gas activities, but would prohibit any outright bans. After passing the

Hydraulic Fracturing Debate Heating Up in Michigan

Initiatives targeting oil and gas development are becoming more and more common around the country, and Michigan is the latest state to play host to the hydraulic fracturing debate. For the third election season in Michigan, opposition to the development technique will attempt to get lawmakers and the public to adopt an outright fracing ban. The previous two attempts have

Colorado Energy Law Fallout: Boulder County Enacts Emergency Oil and Gas Moratorium through Q1 2020 - Oil & Gas 360

Litigation Moving Forward to Lift Broomfield Frac Ban

A district court judge allows litigation to lift a Colorado frac ban to proceed District Court Judge C. Scott Crabtree has decided not to dismiss a motion from the Colorado Oil & Gas Association (COGA) to lift a local moratorium on hydraulic fracturing in Broomfield, Colorado. The city of Broomfield passed a measure in 2013 that put a five year

Colorado oil and gas task force

Colorado Oil and Gas Task Force Holds Final Meeting Today Amid Protests

Will deliver policy recommendations to Gov. Hickenlooper this week The Colorado Oil and Gas Task Force is holding its final meeting today in order to discuss amendments to the recommendations it plans to send to Governor Hickenlooper later this week. The task force is meeting from 9 a.m. till 4 p.m. Feb. 24. No votes will be taken on the

New York’s Southern Tier Threatens Secession over Governor’s Frac Ban

Southern Tier threatens to leave NY for PA: Everybody over the border has new cars, new roofs, new siding Following a decision in December of last year to ban hydraulic fracturing in New York, several towns in New York’s Southern Tier are threatening to secede from the state in order to join Pennsylvania. The towns sit on top of a