Post Tagged with: "EPA"

Oil and gas trade group applauds U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling on EPA’s Good Neighbor Rule

Oil and gas trade group applauds U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling on EPA’s Good Neighbor Rule

World Oil

(WO) — The American Petroleum Institute (API) released a statement from API Senior Vice President and General Counsel Ryan Meyers applauding the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to stay the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) ‘Good Neighbor Rule,’ ensuring …

Oil and gas, trucker, agriculture trade groups unite to fight EPA’s “unworkable” emissions rule for heavy-duty vehicles

Oil and gas, trucker, agriculture trade groups unite to fight EPA’s “unworkable” emissions rule for heavy-duty vehicles

World Oil

(WO) – The American Petroleum Institute (API) filed a lawsuit in the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals challenging the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) heavy-duty (HD) vehicle emissions standards for model years (MY) 2027-2032.

“Today, we are standing …

Source: Oil Price

U.S. CO2 emissions down 17% since 2005, despite 2022 increase

Oil Price

U.S. greenhouse gas emissions rose 1.3% in 2022, reflecting post-COVID economic recovery, but declined 17% since 2005, according to the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Annual US Greenhouse Gas Inventory (GHG Inventory), released every April.

The EPA’s neutral policy …

Texas challenges Biden’s methane rule that is “detrimental” to U.S. oil and gas industry

Texas challenges Biden’s methane rule that is “detrimental” to U.S. oil and gas industry

World Oil

(WO) – The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published the Methane Rule in the Federal Register on Friday, March 8. Texas is challenging this rule, which is detrimental to the oil and gas industry, which is not only vital …

IPAA: EPA’s “overbearing” methane regulations to harm U.S. oil, natural gas producers

IPAA: EPA’s “overbearing” methane regulations to harm U.S. oil, natural gas producers

World Oil

WASHINGTON – Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA) President and CEO Jeff Eshelman released a statement ahead of the House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing on Wednesday, Jan. 10 at 10:00 a.m. ET examining Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) …

Source: World Oil

EPA’s new carbon pollution standards have “significant flaws,” Chamber analysis shows

World Oil

(WO) — A new analysis by the U.S. Chamber’s Global Energy Institute finds significant flaws with the methodology used in EPA’s new carbon pollution standards for coal and natural gas-fired power plants.

“The Chamber strongly supports a low …

Source: Reuters

US government may delay decision on electric vehicles biofuel program


NEW YORK – The U.S. government could delay a decision on giving electric vehicle (EV) manufacturers tradable credits under a renewable fuel scheme, due to concern about legal challenges to the plan, two sources familiar with the matter said.…

Source: World Oil

Biden administration defers plan to tackle smog from oil drillers in Permian Basin

World Oil

(Bloomberg) — The Biden administration is deferring a plan to crack down on smog in the drilling hotbed of the Permian Basin, handing a win to oil producers along with their allies in Texas and New Mexico.


Source: World Oil

API responds to EPA’s supplemental proposed methane rule

World Oil

(WO) – The American Petroleum Institute (API) released the following statement Friday from Senior Vice President of Policy, Economics and Regulatory Affairs Frank Macchiarola in response to the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) supplemental proposed methane rule:


November 11, 2022 - 2:30 pm Carbon Capture, Closing Bell Story‎, Crude Oil News, Energy News
Source: Reuters

Exclusive: Biden EPA to tackle coal industry carbon with rules on other pollutants

Yahoo News

GUAYAMA, Puerto Rico – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency plans to use new limits on traditional pollutants like ozone and coal ash to help encourage the retirement of the nation’s remaining coal-fired power plants, after the Supreme Court …

July 29, 2022 - 12:00 pm Carbon Capture, Closing Bell Story‎, Coal News, Energy News
Source: World Oil

Texas oil and gas regulatory chairman applauds Supreme Court’s rollback of EPA overreach

World Oil

AUSTIN – The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision on the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) federal overreach with the Clean Air Act is a win for good government, American energy producers and for hardworking taxpayers who simply need cheap, plentiful …

Source: World Oil

Permian Basin facing new environmental rules that could curb drilling

World Oil

(Bloomberg) — The Biden administration is considering triggering tougher anti-smog requirements that could curb drilling across parts of the Permian Basin, the world’s biggest oil field that straddles Texas and New Mexico.

The Environmental Protection Agency is weighing …

Source: Reuters

Troubled Caribbean refinery seeks bankruptcy as lenders balk at injecting more cash


The owners of Limetree Bay, a Caribbean refinery that was once the largest in the Western Hemisphere, filed for bankruptcy on Monday after lenders balked at putting new cash into a project dogged by cost overruns and regulatory troubles.

Source: NGT News

U.S. Supreme Court divided in biofuel waivers dispute


U.S. Supreme Court justices on Tuesday appeared divided over a bid by small oil refineries for exemptions from a federal law requiring increasing levels of biofuels to be blended into their products.

The justices heard arguments in an appeal …

Source: Reuters

Trump administration argues against refiners’ biofuel petition


NEW YORK  – The Trump administration has argued against a petition from oil refiners asking the U.S. Supreme Court to review a lower court decision that undermined the legitimacy of the Environmental Protection Agency’s biofuel waiver program.

Department of …

December 9, 2020 - 2:00 pm Closing Bell Story‎, Crude Oil News, Energy News, Regulatory
Source: Reuters

EPA to rescind methane regulations for oil and gas

Fox Business

The Environmental Protection Agency is preparing to adopt new rules that would rescind regulations for methane-gas emissions, including ending requirements that oil-and-gas producers have systems and procedures to detect methane leaks in their systems, senior administration officials …

Source: Reuters

End of an era? Series of U.S. setbacks bodes ill for big oil, gas pipeline projects


WASHINGTON/NEW YORK  – A rapid-fire succession of setbacks for big energy pipelines in the United States this week has revealed an uncomfortable truth for the oil and gas industry: environmental activists and landowners opposed to projects have become good …

Source: CNBC

A massive renewable energy scheme in Australia has been recommended for environmental approval


A vast renewable energy scheme has been recommended for environmental approval by Western Australia’s Environmental Protection Authority (EPA).

The Asian Renewable Energy Hub is a planned development in the East Pilbara area of Western Australia. Set to cover 6,500 …

Source: Reuters

‘Astonishing’: Trump EPA backs down on biofuel waivers in blow to U.S. refiners


The Trump administration has decided not to appeal a court ruling that would sharply reduce its use of waivers exempting refineries from the nation’s biofuels regulation, cheering the corn lobby but drawing anger from oil refiners.

The administration had …

March 25, 2020 - 12:00 pm Closing Bell Story‎, Crude Oil News, Energy News, Regulatory
Source: Reuters

Three injured in Texas petrochemical plant blast


HOUSTON – Three workers were injured in an early morning explosion on Wednesday that sparked a blaze at a Texas petrochemical plant, the latest in a series of chemical plant accidents in the region.

An initial explosion at a …

November 27, 2019 - 2:00 pm Closing Bell Story‎, Energy News
Trump Administration Moves to Limit State Powers to Block Pipelines, Terminals

Trump Administration Moves to Limit State Powers to Block Pipelines, Terminals

From Reuters

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Friday unveiled a proposal that would curb state powers to block pipelines and other energy projects, as part of the Trump administration’s effort to boost domestic oil, gas and coal development.

The …

U.S. Lawmaker Wants EPA Refinery Biofuel Waivers Investigated

U.S. Lawmaker Wants EPA Refinery Biofuel Waivers Investigated

From Reuters

Democratic Senator Tammy Duckworth on Wednesday asked the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Inspector General to investigate why the agency vastly expanded its use of waivers to exempt small refineries from the nation’s biofuel law.

The request, …

May 23, 2019 - 12:41 pm Closing Bell Story‎, Energy News, Law, Politics & Opinions
House GOP Pushes Elimination of Ethanol Mandate

House GOP Pushes Elimination of Ethanol Mandate

From Houston Chronicle

WASHINGTON – House Republicans are pushing to eliminate the federal mandate that ethanol be blended into the nation’s fuel supply, to be replaced by a requirement cars built from 2023 on run only on gasoline with a …

December 12, 2018 - 12:52 pm Closing Bell Story‎, Energy News, Politics & Opinions
Congressman Seeks to Raise Ethanol Content at the Pump to 15%

Congressman Seeks to Raise Ethanol Content at the Pump to 15%

The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA) set yearly RFS volume requirements for each renewable fuel category. EPA updates volume requirements each year based on fuel availability.

The RFS is a federal program that requires transportation fuel that …

Gasoline Demand: EPA Tosses Fuel Economy Rule, Seeks to Revoke California’s Ability to Set Own Standard

Gasoline Demand: EPA Tosses Fuel Economy Rule, Seeks to Revoke California’s Ability to Set Own Standard

Pruitt says federal requirement to hit 55 miles per gallon by 2025 will be replaced by different federal number, taking input from all states

From the L.A. Times

Setting up its most aggressive clash yet with California over environmental standards, …

April 3, 2018 - 2:26 pm Closing Bell Story‎, Energy News
EPA Boss Ends “Sue & Settle” Environmental Policymaking

EPA Boss Ends “Sue & Settle” Environmental Policymaking

“The days of regulation through litigation are over,” – EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt

EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt issued an Agency-wide directive today designed to end “sue and settle” policymaking practices within the EPA. The boss of one of the government’s …

October 17, 2017 - 4:43 pm Closing Bell Story‎, Law, Oil and Gas 360 Articles, Regulatory
EPA Chief Pulls Plug on Clean Power Plan

EPA Chief Pulls Plug on Clean Power Plan

For coal the damage is already done, plants are switching to natural gas

Today U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) that proposes to repeal the prior administration’s Clean Power Plan (CPP).…

The EPA Begins Rolling Back Obama-Era Emission Regulations as U.S. says it will Pull Out of Paris Climate Agreement

The EPA Begins Rolling Back Obama-Era Emission Regulations as U.S. says it will Pull Out of Paris Climate Agreement

The EPA has issued a 90-day stay on oil and gas emissions standards

The Environmental Protection Agency announced Wednesday that it will put a halt to some of the Obama-era regulations on the oil and gas industry. Using its Clean …

The War on Coal is Done: Pruitt

The War on Coal is Done: Pruitt

EPA launches Back-to-Basics agenda at Pennsylvania coal mine

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt visited the Harvey Mine in Sycamore, Pa., last week where he announced EPA’s Back-to-Basics agenda, cementing his earlier statement that the new administration has declared …

White House Budget Increases Funding for Energy Development on Public Lands and Offshore, Continues to Streamline Permitting

White House Budget Increases Funding for Energy Development on Public Lands and Offshore, Continues to Streamline Permitting

The White House released its FY 2018 budget proposal today, entitled “America First – A Budget Blueprint to Make America Great Again.”

The White House proposes a budget that will increase funds in support of energy development on public lands …