Thursday, March 6, 2025


EnerCom announces Mike Wirth, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Chevron, as Keynote speaker at the 29th annual EnerCom Denver – The Energy Investment Conference- oil and gas 360

Registration is open for the 29th annual EnerCom Denver – The Energy Investment Conference

Oil and Gas 360 Register now for the 29th annual EnerCom Denver – The Energy Investment Conference featuring a diverse group of public and private energy companies at Mike Wirth, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Chevron, will participate in a Fireside Chat as the lunch keynote speaker on Tuesday, August 20, 2024, at EnerCom Denver—The Energy Investment Conference.

U.S. oil production held back by inconsistent energy policy, Chevron CEO says- oil and gas 360

U.S. oil production held back by inconsistent energy policy, Chevron CEO says

World Oil (Bloomberg) – U.S. oil production is being held back by inconsistent energy policy, Chevron Chief Executive Officer Mike Wirth said. “I hear people say, ‘We’re back up to record levels of production,’” Wirth said during the American Energy Security Summit in Oklahoma City on Monday. “With better policy, we would be beyond that.” Energy policy needs to balance environmental

Chevron: 155% Reserves Replaced, $9.2 Billion Earned in 2017

Chevron Corporation (ticker: CVX) reported earnings of $3.1 billion for Q4 2017. For reference, in Q4 2016 the company made $415 million. Q4 2017 earnings include non-cash tax benefits of $2.02 billion, related to the U.S. tax reform and a non-cash charge of $190 million related to a former mining asset. The company said that foreign currency effects decreased earnings

Chevron Corporation (CVX) Releases 2018 CapEx Budget and a $1 Million Donation

U.S. Upstream getting $6.6 billion; international upstream $9.2 billion $5.5 billion for the company’s share of expenditures by affiliated companies $2.2 billion of planned capital spending is associated with the company’s downstream businesses that refine, market and transport fuels, and manufacture and distribute lubricants, additives and petrochemicals $1 million was donated to the Oakland-based BASIC Fund (details below) “Our 2018