Saturday, March 8, 2025
Oil and Gas Prices - Oil & Gas 360

EIA: Saudi Arabia Has Been Exporting More Crude Oil to China, Less to the United States

From the EIA Saudi Arabia’s crude oil production approached a four-year low in May 2019, averaging an estimated 9.9 million barrels per day (b/d), more than 1 million b/d lower than its all-time high in November 2018. Production in Saudi Arabia dropped following a December 2018 agreement by members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) to cut

China’s Unipec Suspends US Oil Imports

From Reuters China’s Unipec, the trading arm of state oil major Sinopec, has suspended crude oil imports from the United States due to a growing trade spat between Washington and Beijing, three sources familiar with the situation said on Friday. The sources declined to be identified as they are not authorized to speak to the media. It is not clear

Oil Price Reached $74 This Week, But Double That Could Be on the Horizon

Despite the surprise moderate build in U.S. crude oil stockpiles, analysts are worried of an impending price spike to $150 or more.  Prices Today Crude oil stocks rose by 1,245 MBBL last week to 417,881 MBBL from 416,636 MBBL. This is 17% below the 502,914 MBBL that was in storage at this point last year, and is 2% below the

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We’re Still Importing Crude Oil from OPEC. Why?

An end of the year reflection on oil prices, global demand and OPEC by Greg Barnett It’s Thursday morning, December 31, 2015. I’m not going to sugar coat it – it’s been a tough year.  There have been family deaths, cancer scares, a heart attack, a huge Category 4 tornado that was too close for comfort, and a new granddaughter,