Monday, December 23, 2024


Mexico again extends timeframe for oil permits due to coronavirus

Reuters MEXICO CITY – Mexico’s oil regulator will allow energy firms more time to secure permits and plan approvals, it said in on Thursday, in effect extending a freeze on all deadlines until the government determines it is safe to resume official work.   The latest extension due to the coronavirus pandemic does not include a set end-date. Instead, the

Exclusive Interview: Oscar Roldan Flores, Head of the Mexico National Data Repository

At the 2018 Oil and Gas Conference, Oscar Roldan Flores, Head of the National Data Repository for CNH was interviewed by EnerCom’s Angie Austin. Exclusive Interview: Oscar Roldan Flores, Head of the Mexico National Data Repository Mexico’s national hydrocarbons commission — CNH — was established in November 2008 as an organization with technical and financial autonomy to regulate, oversee, and

16 Contracts Awarded to 12 Bidders in Mexico’s Shallow Water Auction Round 3.1

Results of Mexico’s Shallow Water Auction – Round 3.1 18 bidders participated in the event 16 contracts were tendered to 12 bidders On Tuesday, the opening of bids and awarding of exploration and hydrocarbons production contracts for the First Tender of Round Three Shallow Water GOM were held in a public session that included a live webcast by Mexico’s CNH.