Sunday, January 5, 2025
U.S. natgas futures rise over 4% for second day on cooler forecasts- oil and gas 360

Natural gas companies call for carbon tax

Houston Chronicle WASHINGTON – A leading natural gas trade association came out in support of carbon taxes Tuesday, as pressure increases on the oil and gas industry to better work with government on addressing climate change. Representing companies including Exxon Mobil, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, Cabot and Southwestern Energy, Natural Gas Supply Association President Dena Wiggins said member companies were unanimous in

Electricity Giants Take Top Seats at Edison Electric Institute - Oil & Gas 360

4 Ballot Initiatives in the Electricity Sector to Watch on Election Day: Forcing Clean Energy, Imposing a Carbon Tax and Deregulation

From Utility Dive In Washington, Nevada and Arizona, voters will consider a carbon tax, deregulation and 50% renewables requirements. Across the United States, the general trend is toward clean energy resources and away from carbon-emitting generation. But in some states there is a sense that regulators and utilities are not moving fast enough — leading to ballot initiatives that could

Energy Companies Fight ‘Nation’s First Carbon Fee’ on Washington State’s 2018 Ballot

If Initiative 1631 passes, it could unleash a flood of carbon taxes across many states From Houston Chronicle Texas energy companies are pouring millions of dollars into Washington state to fight a ballot measure that, if passed, would create the nation’s first carbon fee, raising the cost of gasoline and other fossil fuels and likely hurting demand for petroleum products.

Canada’s Carbon Pricing Isn’t Working – Fraser Institute

“Carbon-pricing in Canada doesn’t work the way ivory tower economists envision, and instead has become just another tax,” said Kenneth Green, Fraser Institute’s senior director of energy and natural resource studies and author of Poor Implementation Undermines Carbon Tax Efficiency in Canada. The governments of Quebec, Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia have all implemented forms of carbon pricing (carbon taxes, cap-and-trade).

EU’s Early Ratification of Paris Climate Agreement Upends Trump Plan to “Cancel It”

President Trump likely would ignore it, President Clinton would champion it The European Union approved a fast-track ratification of the Paris climate change agreement yesterday, less than a year after it was signed in Paris, upending a Donald Trump promise to cancel the agreement if elected president. In September, in a ceremony in Hangzhou, China, the UN Secretary General received the

Utilities are Reaching RPS standards, but at what Cost?

From Utility Dive Utility leaders often say they can meet whatever policy obligations states impose — if the policies are clear. New Energy Department numbers show that’s largely the case — at least for now. Data compiled from utility compliance filings show they are incorporating the renewable energy capacity into their generation portfolios as required of them by interim state mandate targets, according to