Tuesday, March 18, 2025
US to offer minimum acreage required at Alaska oil and gas auction- oil and gas 360

US to offer minimum acreage required at Alaska oil and gas auction

(Investing) – The Biden administration will offer oil and gas drilling leases in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge at a sale on Jan. 9, the U.S. Interior Department said on Monday. The agency will make 400,000 acres (161,874 hectares) available to drillers at the auction, the minimum required by a law that mandated the sale. ANWR is a 19 million-acre refuge

You are my sunshine- Feds get more land for more solar- oil and gas 360

You are my sunshine- Feds get more land for more solar

(Oil & Gas 360) – The federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has finalized its plan to add nearly 50% more public lands to generate more solar energy. The agency’s Western Solar Plan, which first targeted 22 million acres across Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah in its original plan in 2012, has been expanded to 31 million acres