Friday, March 28, 2025

REPLAYS: EnerCom’s The Oil & Gas Conference®2021: Thank you to our sponsors, presenters and attendees!

Oil & Gas 360

Publisher’s Note: Thank you to our sponsors, presenters and attendees for their continued support and making EnerCom’s The Oil & Gas Conference 2021 a continued success! Replays are now available to watch.

Sponsors of The Oil & Gas Conference® 26 include: Netherland, Sewell & AssociatesMoss Adams LLPEnverusBloombergCAC SpecialtyHaynes and Boone, LLPSMBC, AEGIS Hedging, Rystad EnergyMUFGPNCPreng & AssociatesGreat WesternWells Fargo, and Petrie Partners.


REPLAYS: EnerCom's The Oil & Gas Conference®2021: Thank you to our sponsors, presenters and attendees!- oil and gas 360


Click to see the  replays.

A sample of the 80+ companies that presented include:

  • Independence Contract Drilling  – Independence Contract Drilling is a premium land drilling services provider. From our corporate headquarters in Houston, Texas, we develop and assemble our ShaleDriller® series rig design based on E&P operator feedback and field requirements. ShaleDrillers are designed for safe and efficient drilling operations on large, multi-well drilling locations. They are designed to move fast and are capable of walking in multiple directions. The ShaleDriller series rigs are AC programmable, energy efficient BiFuel, and custom designed to be best in class for the development of our clients’ most demanding and financially impactful exploration and development programs. We excel in shale plays and other areas where completions require long horizontal sections, drilling quickly and accurately to minimize nonproductive time for our clients. We also excel where multi-well pads offer the option to walk between well bores and provide the opportunity to plan 3-hour release-to-spud times.
  • The Landfill Group – The Landfill Group is a family of successful companies whose ultimate asset is its people. Landfill Group was created to answer a need expressed by the landfill gas market – the ability to build a project where all vendors come together and seamlessly connect all the parts. We’ve been doing this for years on our own projects and have now introduced Landfill Group to bring this solution to the Landfill Gas industry.
  • Leucrotta ExplorationLeucrotta Exploration Inc. is a Montney focused oil and natural gas exploration and development company with lands located in the Mica area of Northeast British Columbia. Leucrotta owns 240 (net) sections of Montney acreage in the Mica and surrounding area and has identified 17.8 billion bbls of Original Oil in Place (OOIP) and 17.2 tcf of Original Gas in Place across these lands. The Company recently announced its Mica Pad Development Project that estimates production will reach 30,000 boepd within a 5-year time-frame from the current level of 2,200 boepd. Drilling is commencing soon. Leucrotta’s shares are listed on the TSX Venture exchange under the symbol LXE.
  • Liberty Oilfield Services – Liberty is an innovative service company providing stimulation services to optimize well production. We focus on offering safe, efficient and high quality hydraulic fracturing and engineering services, aiming to become the vendor of choice. Our goal is to provide frac design and execution with a real-data focus to optimize field development and improve production enhancement strategies for our clients. Our goal is simple: Be the Best Damn Frac Company Period.
  • Milestone Environmental Services. – Milestone helps you see energy waste in a new light. We are your carbon sequestration partner, providing new paths to attain your net-zero goals. With Milestone, you can turn your energy waste into an opportunity to run your operation more efficiently and more responsibly. A clear win-win.

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