“Energy resources are a blessing, not a curse.”
Second-term Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal is running for the 2016 Republican nomination. Jindal published his energy plan earlier this fall, based a 2014 energy plan which he had previously developed. Gov. Jindal’s key energy points are featured below.
Promote energy development on federal lands, build the Keystone XL pipeline, yes to nuclear power
Our federal government should take a leadership role in our energy renaissance, not serve as a ball and chain weighing it down. We must make more of our energy-rich federal lands available for energy production.
Nuclear power provides zero-emissions power much more affordably and reliably than renewable energy alternatives. Our federal government should work to facilitate nuclear power production rather than suppress it.
In addition to encouraging domestic production, America must welcome energy resources from friendly nations, particularly those in North America.
After more than five years of stalling and delays, the time has come to approve and build the Keystone XL pipeline, which would create American jobs while bolstering American energy supplies.
Support innovation that solves intermittency and transmission challenges for wind and solar
Wind and solar power are rapidly gaining market share and supporting home-grown jobs. We can encourage continued growth for renewable energy by working to solve intermittency and transmission challenges that currently place restrictions on renewable energy utilization. All energy sources should compete on a level playing field and the federal government should avoid picking winners and losers.
Unlock a manufacturing and jobs renaissance by developing energy and embracing new production techniques
Domestic energy production … creates and supports millions of American jobs. Jobs created in the energy industry are high-paying jobs that lift people out of poverty and into prosperity. Many of these jobs are available to young adults with appropriate technical training, providing unique opportunities for America’s newest generation to share and improve upon the American dream.
Economists agree that America’s manufacturing sector is poised for a surge in prosperity and high-paying job creation once our federal government begins embracing rather than suppressing new energy production techniques and recent energy discoveries.
Stop the EPA’s over-regulation and its closed-door collusion with activist groups
We must put an end to … regulatory overreach. To protect American jobs, EPA should be forced to justify its actions under a cost-benefit basis. We must also put an end to EPA abusing its authority and restore EPA’s role of carrying out Congress’ will rather than supplanting it. Similarly, EPA must no longer be allowed to collude with activist groups in sue-and-settle decrees that take place behind closed doors.
Export U.S. energy
American energy production, or lack thereof, plays a crucial role in our national security. America should not put policies in place that ban exporting our natural resources. While the best policies will encourage the use of abundant oil and natural gas here so that we can produce goods competitive in a global marketplace, we should not close the door to exporting the resource when it makes economic sense.
Climate change: government should engage in agenda-free climate research and reduce CO2 emissions without punishing the American economy
Our federal government should focus on agenda-free climate research to best understand what may or may not take place regarding future climate changes. We must also work to develop strategies to adapt to and mitigate whatever climate changes may occur. The climate change issue is too important for the federal government to play political games. We should pursue “no regrets” policies that reduce carbon dioxide emissions without punishing the American economy.
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