Friday, March 14, 2025

Oilfield Tech & Innovation Day Showcases Tools for Operating Smarter

It’s no longer about just the latest equipment, it’s about using data to your advantage

 From IBM’s Watson cognitive systems (AI) teaming with Flotek to Kairos Aerospace’s merger of airborne infrared data gathering expertise and software, EnerCom’s Oilfield Tech & Innovation Day presenters spoke to operators who want to jump on companies that have a smarter way for oil and gas companies to work on finding and producing energy.

 Here are the first of Oil & Gas 360®’s summaries of presenter stories.

Using data to invest in natural gas

Kalnin Ventures is a private energy investment company and advisory company located in Denver, Colorado. The company is focused on upstream oil & gas opportunities within North American plays utilizing a deep understanding of the market trends in the industry to make investment decisions.

During Kanlnin Ventures’ presentation at The Oil and Gas Conference, the company discussed ways to utilize “Big Data” and “Analytics” in order to create insights for investments.

The company’s strategy is mainly focused in the most prolific natural gas assets located within the Marcellus and Utica plays. Kalnin believes natural gas will be the future’s cleanest source of hydrocarbon energy.

Kalnin drives performance thanks to the algorithms that can forecast EURs for thousands of wells in minutes, enabling the company to rapidly study reserve potential for an entire play.

Kalnin Ventures also discussed the advantages of using auto surveillance tools.  For instance, having an auto surveillance tool could enable companies to monitor hundreds of wells in real time without scaling headcount and potentially leading to an increase in revenue. The deployment of big data does not require informed assumptions about the models but lets the data speak for itself which they believe is the most efficient way to analyze data and optimize production.

Colorado School of Mines

 Colorado School of Mines is a public research university with curriculums focused in engineering and applied science.  The Petroleum Engineering Department at the Colorado School of Mines is staffed by industry professionals with distinguished recognition within the industry including, 2017-2018 SPE Distinguished Lecturer William Fleckenstein. Alumni of the program represent executives and top management of oil & gas companies throughout the U.S. and the world.

William Fleckenstein discussed the emerging technologies that could potentially change the oil industry landscape.

Some of the patented opportunities that Dr. Fleckenstein presented include FrackOPTIMAL2 and the annular casing seal test (ACST). FrackOPTIMAL2 was focused to optimize a multistage hydraulic fracturing for horizontal wells. The design provides a single sized ball sleeve that permits limitless number of stages without the difficulties of plug and perf. This technology allows for an optimal and less expensive way to do multistage hydraulic fracturing. The second opportunity was an annular casing seal test that was design to better protect aquifers.

This tool is a surface casing seal assurance for well control that can monitor injection wells and let operators know if an aquifer is protected from contamination. Currently, there is no technology that can assure if the aquifer is protected or not.

Pressure tests can confirm zone to zone isolation and cement bond logs can give a reasonable estimate of presence or absence of large cement channels. However, these methods will not certify pressure or fluid isolation of a zone. With the new technology patented by CSM, it could assure pressure or fluid isolation of a zone. The new patented technology could reduce or eliminate potential contaminated aquifers leading to a safer and cleaner environmental future.

Kairos Aerospace

 Kairos Aerospace operates in more than seven states providing services to identify natural gas leakages in their pipelines, well pads, or other target objectives. Kairos Aerospace accomplish the detection of leakages by doing aerial surveys using a patented system able to rapidly detect and quantify the amount of natural gas released into the atmosphere.

Kairos Aerospace can survey up to 500 miles of pipe and 30,000 acres of wells in a single day by attaching its instrument pod to the underside of any rented light Cessna aircraft and recording IR data flying in a grid pattern. The service delivers uniformly processed data that has been collected reducing users’ errors of interpretation, lowering the compliance cost, and increasing the accuracy of the information.

