BSEE Gulf of Mexico Region Director Lars Herbst initiated a Panel Investigation Monday into an oil release from subsea infrastructure located about 40 miles southeast of Venice, Louisiana in water 4,463 feet deep.
The flowline release, which began Wednesday morning in an area identified as Mississippi Canyon 209, was reported by offshore oil and gas operator LLOG Exploration Offshore, LLC.
LLOG reported to BSEE that they isolated the pipeline leak and stopped the leak on Thursday morning and estimated the unaccounted for oil volume to be in the range of 7,950 to 9,350 barrels. BSEE inspectors traveled to LLOG’s Delta House platform Friday to begin an initial inspection and investigation and the BSEE panel will continue coordinating with LLOG and the U.S. Coast Guard to complete the investigation.

On Friday, BSEE reported that LLOG Exploration Offshore, LLC reported to BSEE that production from the field that flows through the subsea infrastructure is shut-in at this time. The release of oil has ceased. A sheen was observed and reported through the National Response Center. Monitoring of the residual sheen continues. No shoreline impacts have been reported. There are no reports of personnel injuries.
On Friday LLOG reported to BSEE that the volume of oil released is estimated to be in the range of 7,950 to 9,350 barrels. LLOG has communicated to BSEE that there is no recoverable oil on surface. LLOG has also reported that two skimming vessels sourced from Clean Gulf Associates and Marine Spill Response Corporation were on location and prepared to respond.
The location of the release has been identified. LLOG reported that through the use of a remotely-operated vehicle, a fracture was observed in a jumper pipe leading from Mississippi Canyon Block 209, Well No. 1 to a manifold located on the seafloor. As a result of shutting in the well, the flow through the fracture in the pipe has ceased.
A BSEE engineer was on-site at LLOG’s incident command Thursday to verify the release location via the live feed from the ROV. Two BSEE inspectors traveled offshore Friday to LLOG’s Delta House platform and have initiated BSEE’s investigation.
BSEE said the five-member panel is made up of inspectors, engineers and accident investigators, BSEE said. At the conclusion of its investigation, the panel will issue a report that will contain findings, make recommendations and identify any potential violations for consideration by BSEE enforcement staff.
BSEE provides additional information on the incident here.