JOHANNESBURG, October 18, 2017 /PRNewswire/ --
Sasol shareholders are referred to the Company's announcements on 20 September 2017 and 09 October 2017 regarding Sasol's broad-based black economic empowerment ownership transactions, the Sasol Khanyisa transaction and the Sasol Inzalo black economic empowerment transaction.
Notice of General Meeting
Notice is hereby given that a general meeting of shareholders of Sasol will be held at 10h30 on Friday, 17 November 2017 at The Hilton Hotel, 138 Rivonia Road, Sandown, Sandton, Johannesburg, South Africa, to transact the business stated in the notice of general meeting.
The board of directors has determined that the record date by when a person must be recorded as a shareholder in the securities register of the Company, in order to receive the notice of general meeting, is Friday, 13 October 2017. The record date in order to be recorded as a shareholder in the securities register of Sasol and to attend, participate and vote at the general meeting is Friday, 10 November 2017. The last date to trade in order to be recorded in the securities register of Sasol as a shareholder on the aforementioned record date is Tuesday, 7 November 2017.
Sasol shareholders are advised that the circular to shareholders dated 18 October 2017, which incorporates the notice of the general meeting ("Circular"), regarding the proposed Sasol Khanyisa transaction ("Sasol Khanyisa") was distributed to Sasol shareholders today, 18 October 2017. The Circular can be obtained, without charge, by downloading a copy from the Company's website, or by requesting a copy from Sasol Investor Relations by means of either:
a. an e-mail to; or
b. written correspondence posted to PO Box 5486, Johannesburg, 2000, South Africa.
Investor relations:
Cavan Hill, Senior Vice President: Investor Relations
Telephone: +27(0)10-344-9280
Alex Anderson, Head of Group Media Relations
Direct telephone: +27(0)10-344-6509; Mobile: +27(0)71-600-9605;
Matebello Motloung, Senior Specialist: Media Relations
Direct telephone: +27(0)11-344 9256, Mobile: +27(0)83-773-9457
SOURCE Sasol Limited