Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Exclusive Interview with Stephen Brunner, President, Petro River Oil

Conventional wells, prolific areas, and low cost structure are the staples of Petro River: Brunner

Petro River Oil’s President Stephen Brunner spoke to Oil & Gas 360®’s Angie Austin at the EnerCom conference in Denver last week. Brunner talked about the business strategy of Petro River, Oil prospects in Ireland, and a potential uplisting to NASDAQ.

Petro River Oil Corp. (ticker: PTRC) is an independent energy company focused on the exploration and development of conventional oil and gas assets.  Having just completed a corporate reorganization, including the addition of new management, the acquisition of several promising new assets, and an infusion of cash, Petro River is taking advantage of the downturn in oil prices to enter highly prospective plays with industry-leading partners.  Diversification over a number of projects, each with low initial capital expenditures and strong risk reward characteristics, reduces risk and provides cross-functional exposure to a number attractive risk adjusted opportunities.

Interview Questions

  • Stephen, could you give the layout of Petro River Oil – what is the company’s business model, what are the relationships?
  • You mentioned the relationship with Horizon Energy. Could you give an update on the Horizon assets and a timeline for activity in 2016-2017 for their projects involving Petro River’s participation?
  • Petro River participated in an exploratory well in the Larne basin in Northern Ireland in 2016 – what was the result of the well, what did you learn about the basin, and what’s next for the Larne basin?
  • Could you talk about Petro River’s Oklahoma assets, and then the California assets – what are the plays and what is your plan to develop those assets?
  • Lastly, how does the balance sheet look, do you have an update on the Nasdaq application, and what are the company’s plans to raise capital to begin drilling and developing assets – what do you see as the priorities for allocating capital when that time comes?

Petro River Oil’s Breakout Notes from the 2016 EnerCom conference are available here.

You can listen to Petro River Oil’s 2016 EnerCom presentation/webcast here.


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