Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Exclusive 360 Energy Expert Network Video Interview: Data Gumbo – Atlas RFID – Can you build a nuclear plant with no logistics loss?

Well we found the combination to eliminate logistics loss, improve cash flow, and build your own success story. The team from Data Gumbo and Atlas RFID stopped by to talk about how technology is changing logistics in the energy space. I can lose my laptop power supply in my briefcase, but we talked about the technology from both companies that can track logistics on any size project. Even while building a nuclear power plant project.

Jon Chesser, Chief Revenue Officer, Atlas RFID, covered their solution set’s ability to track all types of products. The Jovix software, RFID tags can be a “Single source of truth”. This is critical to projects staying on schedule and under budget. Their customer success stories are on the Jovix website.

Now Michael Mathews, SVP, Data Gumbo steps into the conversation and really notches it up through the roof. With the Gumbo Net Blockchain, the “Single source of truth” now becomes the “Real time, secure, single source of truth”.

I was stunned on breadth of industries, that could take advantage of the technology to bring more money to their bottom-line.

Thank you, Jon, and Michael, for stopping by! We had a blast and look forward to hearing more success in the future. – Stu

About Atlas RFID Solutions and Data Gumbo

Jon Chesser

Chief Revenue Officer – Atlas RFID Solutions

Jon is a software executive with more than two decades of sales, marketing, business development and project management experience providing disruptive solutions to the construction market. As the 5th employee at Atlas, Jon has held various areas of responsibility over the years including product marketing, sales, business development and developing strategic client and partner relationships to further the industry adoption of technology in construction.

Michael Mathews

Senior Vice President for Services

Senior Vice President for Services at Data Gumbo, a Houston-based company with a trusted industrial blockchain network that realizes transactional certainty in commercial relationships. We automate contracts for industry by converting natural language contracts into smart contracts on GumboNet to radically streamline how companies come together to develop, operate and maintain industrial assets. Transforming supply chains into value chains, reducing transaction burden cost, and enabling full provenance and transparency with a single source of truth. 

Atlas RFID Solutions / Jovix / Atlas RFID Store

Atlas RFID Solutions LLC was founded in 2007 to bridge the gap between the capabilities of auto-ID technology and the commercial needs of efficiency-conscious firms. We develop and implement auto-ID based systems throughout the world on over 650 sites, spanning 25 countries on 6 continents. The company is comprised of 3 divisions: Jovix®, the Atlas RFID Store, and Custom Solutions.https://jovix.com/Data Gumbo - About -Us - oilandgas360

Over the last 20 years, global enterprises have invested billions of dollars implementing systems to capture transactions and drive processes to support business needs.

About Data Gumbo

Data Gumbo was founded by serial entrepreneur and energy industry executive Andrew Bruce in 2016. The company started out as a data platform that connected to collected and standardized operational data to enable machine learning, AI and condition-based maintenance systems. The company transitioned to utilizing blockchain after spotting an opportunity to eliminate a sizable cost inefficiency between an oil supermajor and one of its suppliers. After initial attempts to connect its data platform with existing blockchain technology, it became clear that Data Gumbo needed to create a purpose-built blockchain to meet the needs of heavy industry. In 2017, Data Gumbo’s engineers set out to build a complete solution that unifies operational source data together with an industrial-grade blockchain solution. The result is GumboNet, a massively interconnected industrial blockchain network that delivers transactional certainty to business relationships. 

Today, Data Gumbo is an award-winning software company with successful customers around the world. Led by a growing, passionate team focused on serving the industrial markets of oil & gas, construction, mining, and manufacturing, the company currently has offices in Houston, Texas and in Stavanger, Norway to serve the markets of Europe, Middle East and Asia.


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