Current COG Stock Info

Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation Breakout Session Questions


Scot Schroeder, executive vice president and CFO of Cabot Oil & Gas Corp., (ticker: COG) presented today at EnerCom’s The Oil & Gas Conference® 22.

Cabot is a natural gas-focused producer with operations centered in both the Marcellus shale and the Eagle Ford shale.  Holding 179,000 net acres and 84,000 net acres in the Marcellus and Eagle Ford, respectively, has set Cabot as a dominant producer in the prolific gas plays.

Cabot produced a cumulative volume of 173.1 Bcfe of natural gas during Q2. This included 1.014 MMBO of oil. The company entered into an agreement to sell non-core acreage in the West Virginia, Virginia, and Ohio, totaling approximately 780,000 net acres for $41.3 million. Its Q2 Marcellus production averaged 1,771 Mmcf of gas. During the same time it drilled 13.7 net wells, completed eight net wells, and put six net wells to production in the Marcellus. At the end of Q2 it was operating two rigs and one completion crew in the Marcellus and one rig and one completion crew in its Eagle Ford assets. In its Eagle Ford, it averaged 13,146 BOEPD of production, and drilled 7.4 net wells, and completed and brought to production 16 net wells.

During the company’s breakout session, management was asked the following questions:

  • What is your market share and how does it relate to A&D?
  • What is the biggest hurdle of take away capacity?
  • How will 3.7 Bcf per day be reached while also defending market share?
  • Does your company produce out of the upper Marcellus?
  • How many stages per day have you managed when completing wells?
  • How fast is the acceleration from 2.1 Bcf per day to 3.7 Bcf per day?
  • Have reservoir engineers performed gas in place analysis?
  • What is the reservoir pressure of the Marcellus cell?
  • How were asset values determined?
  • How much of A+ Marcellus rock is owned by your company?
  • If the market had different views on NGLs, would it change the operations in the Eagle Ford?
  • How would you value selling the company based on the type of rock present?
  • How many years of drilling inventory do you have?

Cabot presented at EnerCom’s 2017 The Oil & Gas Conference®.

You can listen to the company’s presentation by clicking here.

You can view the company’s Q2 update by clicking here.

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