Current HUSA Stock Info

EnerCom’s 2017 Conference Day Three Breakout Notes: Houston American Energy Corp.

John Boylan, CEO of Houston American Energy Corp., (ticker: HUSA) presented today at EnerCom’s The Oil & Gas Conference® 22.

Houston American Energy Corp. is a Houston-based oil and gas exploration and production company with properties in the U.S. onshore Gulf Coast Region in Texas and Louisiana. The company also is developing concessions in Columbia.

During the company’s breakout session, management was asked the following questions:

  • Will the Permian sand mines be appropriate for your operations?
  • How have FARC-Colombia negotiations impacted your operations?
  • Would you reinvest in Colombia if you had known FARC activity might affect operations?

Houston American Energy Corp. presented at EnerCom’s 2017 The Oil & Gas Conference®.

You can listen to the company’s presentation by clicking here.

You can view the company’s Q2 update by clicking here.

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