Thursday, January 2, 2025

Netherland, Sewell & Associates, Inc. Provides Petroleum Consulting Services Worldwide

Netherland, Sewell & Associates, Inc. (NSAI) is a worldwide leader of petroleum property valuations for the industry, financial organizations and government agencies. NSAI delivers high quality, fully integrated engineering, operational, geological, geophysical, petrophysical and economic solutions for all facets of the upstream energy industry.

The company was established in 1961 and has offices in Dallas and Houston, with more than 60 engineers, geologists, geophysicists and petrophysicists and over 75 analysts. With expertise in most producing basins worldwide, the company is extremely well-known within the oil, gas and financial communities it serves.

SEC reserves reports and audits

An NSAI report honors all the data and industry reserves definitions to give a full and fair inventory of reserves and cash flow. Each report is based on sound judgment, broad experience, technical expertise and accepted practices.

Since the company’s founding over 50 years ago, NSAI has delivered thousands of reports to petroleum and financial concerns throughout the world. Users of the company’s reports have learned that each aspect of an NSAI evaluation is solidly supported. NSAI reports have earned a reputation for reliability because of the substance behind each one. Whether it is for a small property in East Texas or a giant LNG development in the Middle East, clients know that an NSAI report will be highly respected.

NSAI understands reserves analysis and knows how to apply the right combination of people, expertise and technology to each assignment. A mature field may require classical performance and volumetric analyses to assess its developed and undeveloped potential, while an integrated study with reservoir simulation may be required to fully evaluate a new discovery. Whatever the scope, the result is a substantial and reliable technical evaluation. The process also integrates the technical evaluation with the commercial aspects of the assets. NSAI can independently evaluate pricing, expenses, capital and the reasonableness of future development plans.

Petrophysical consulting services

NSAI’s petrophysical consulting team has performed petrophysical evaluations for wells located in most of the major petroleum provinces in the world. The company has experience in the evaluation of a wide range of complex lithology in clastic and carbonate reservoirs, and has performed fractured reservoir analyses in clastic, carbonate, shale and basement environments.

Evaluations include full integration of all available well log, core, geological and well performance data. NSAI can assist with the development of efficient well log and core analysis programs to meet the necessary formation evaluation requirements for the least cost.

EnerCom Dallas Global Sponsor

NSAI is a global sponsor of EnerCom’s conferences and events. Please look for Scott Rees and other NSAI professionals at EnerCom Dallas Feb. 21-22, 2018 at the Tower Club Downtown Dallas. Conference registration is open online to oil and gas company executives and the investment community.
