Up, down. Up, down. The Dow Jones Industrial Averages closed at 18,004.16 today. Up 106.70 points. For the year, the Dow is up 3.32%, or 579.03 points. The Dow is up 14% since it “crashed” to 15,451 back in January.
Who are the Top five Dow stocks in 2016?
Ticker | Name | Change |
CAT | Caterpillar | 16.61% |
WMT | Wal-Mart | 13.96% |
MMM | 3M | 12.55% |
VZ | Verizon | 11.92% |
IBM | IBM | 10.83% |
Bottom five?
Ticker | Name | Change |
GS | Goldman Sachs | -11.77 |
AXP | American Express | -10.01 |
BA | Boeing | -8.73% |
INTC | Intel | -8.13% |
JPM | JP Morgan | -5.69% |
Oil and gas stocks?
Ticker | Name | Change |
CVX | Chevron | 9.72% |
XOM | Exxon Mobil | 10.04% |
The 12-month forward curve for crude oil prices is $43.22/barrel; natural gas is 2.475/MMBtu.
The only two things keeping the oil group down are: the belief by the current U.S. President (who by the way, is in “legacy mode”) that solar and wind are the future, and the current American administration who believes Iran is a trustworthy global partner who knows how to play with nuclear grade plutonium.
We want Americans to get America’s oil, rather than importing oil from countries who don’t share our values. We also want those countries that share in our beliefs to get our oil.