Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Some Politicians Do Care About Nuclear Matters -oilandgas360

Some Politicians Do Care About Nuclear Matters

Forbes Oil & Gas 360 Publishers Note: We have been working on an article “A Balanced Power Plan for Humanity”. Nuclear is only one part of a complete plan to get the lowest kWh to all of the people to help elevate everyone from poverty.  Why don’t politicians ever talk about nuclear energy? Except for some Congresspeople firing up their

The True Cost of Renewable Energy -oilandgas360

The true cost of renewable energy – is anybody listening?

RarePetro Oil & Gas 360 Publishers Note: We are seeing a world wide commitment to renewable energy in most governments Covid recovery stimulus infrastructure projects. This is an interesting article from Kevin at RatePetro going through the accrual costs, but is anyone listing?  In Kevin’s conclusion :”Now, the oil and gas industry is one of the most highly environmentally regulated

BN-600 Life Extension to Seek 2040 Date - Beloyarsk Nuclear Power Station - oilandgas360

Beloyarsk Nuclear Power Station -BN-600 Life Extension to Seek 2040 Date

Energy Central Oil & Gas 360 Publishers Note: Providing energy while being good stewards of the environment extremely is important. Elevating humanity from poverty with available, low cost, energy is one of the key reasons look at a market driven balanced approach to energy sources. All of that being said; extending a nuclear by 15 years may be the best green

Exclusive 360 Energy Expert Network Video Interview: Crossroads Strategic Advisors – Are you ready for bankruptcy in the oil and gas market?

OIl & Gas 360 Summary: Even before the additional shocks from COVID-19, the Wall Street funding that had supported the shale boom was dwindling and oversupply of oil & gas was pressuring commodity prices and well-level economics. Equity investors were pushing for a new business model prioritizing free cash flow over production growth. We had the pleasure to sit down

DOE announces 230M to build advanced reactor demonstration project -oilandgas360

DOE announces $230M to build advanced reactor demonstration project

Power Engineering Building on its contention that nuclear power must be a vital part of the American energy future, the U.S. Department of Energy announced it is going to invest $230 million into a demonstration of advanced reactor technology within this decade. The DOE’s new Advanced Reactor Demonstration Program (ARDP) will include $160 million of initial funding through cost-shared partnerships

Exclusive 360 Energy Expert Network Video Interview: Sproule –There is a silver lining in North American Natural Gas, you just need to know where to look.

OIl & Gas 360 The team from Sproule just released the Special Market Report: “Finding the Silver Lining: North American Natural Gas.” Michael Tanner, Host 360 Digital Closing Bell, and Analyst, and myself were able to sit down with Christoffer Mylde, Senior Vice President, Corporate Development, Liam O’Brian, Strategic Advisory & Insights from Sproule to cover the special report.  Access

South Africa- Country Is Ready To Relaunch Nuclear Plans Says Ministry -oilandgas360

South Africa / Country Is Ready To Relaunch Nuclear Plans, Says Ministry

NUCNET Oil & Gas 360 Publishers Note: Having a country energy plan that will take into consideration all aspects of the market to deliver electricity to it’s citizens is a good thing. Be it wind, hydro, solar, fossil or nuclear, the market should be a major factor.    South Africa is to draw up plans for up to 2,500 MW

Weekly Gas Storage: Inventories increase by 76 Bcf- oil and gas 360

In 2019, U.S energy production exceeded consumption for the first time in 62 years

EIA Oil & Gas 360 Publishers Note: Very interesting data provided by the EIA. If the U.S. energy production exceeded consumption in 2019 with no Covid 19 Virus, what in the world is going to happen this year? In 2019, for the first time since 1957, energy production exceeded energy consumption in the United States on an annual basis, according

Advanced Reactor Concepts (ARC) and Centrus Energy Sign Letter of Intent for HALEU Supply

WASHINGTON and BETHESDA, Md., April 28, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Advanced Reactor Concepts, LLC, and Centrus Energy Corp. (NYSE American: LEU) have signed a letter of intent to cooperate in supporting deployment of U.S. uranium enrichment capacity to produce High Assay, Low Enriched Uranium (HALEU) – an advanced nuclear fuel that could power both existing and next-generation nuclear reactors, including ARC’s innovative sodium-cooled fast reactor