Tuesday, March 18, 2025
oil & gas 360

Germany’s Reluctant Coalition Govt. Agrees to Coal Phase Out

While Germany continues to phase out both nuclear and coal, natural gas will remain a baseload and backup fuel From Power Magazine Germany’s Social Democratic Party (SPD) members agreed to join their longtime rival and governing partner, the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), and reluctantly entered into a third grand coalition government on March 4. While this ended months of anxious

Tellurian is sharply cutting the equity buy-in for potential partners in a bid to make its business model to finance construction of its proposed Driftwood LNG export terminal more attractive.

New Jobs in Energy: Technology, Innovation and Big Data

The changing face of energy: new jobs in the broad energy sector Powering the industrial base, fueling all modes of transportation including the nation’s food distribution system, and setting the table for national economic growth—filling jobs in the energy industry is critical to the future economic success of the U.S. Energy-related job openings are changing. New jobs are growing fast, and

After Twenty Years, the U.S. Starts Its First New Nuclear Reactor

43 years after the start of initial construction, the Watts Bar 2 nuclear reactor is set to begin operations The first United States’ nuclear power plant to come online in two decades was connected to the power grid June 3, making it the first reactor to meet new guidelines set by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) following the Fukushima

The Case for Cutting Renewable Subsidies to Save Nuclear - Oil & Gas 360

China set to More than Double Nuclear Capacity by 2020

Additions to capacity would give China the third largest nuclear capacity worldwide China plans to reach a nuclear capacity of 58 gigawatts (GW) and have another 30 GW of capacity under construction by 2020 in a push to reduce carbon emitting fuel sources. The added nuclear capacity would make China’s nuclear supply the third largest in the world following the

Europe’s No-Carbon Electricity Share Grows to 56%

Nuclear and Hydro are Top Carbon-free Sources Europe’s share of electricity from sources that generate little or no carbon dioxide is now at 56%, according to the EIA. France, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, and Switzerland top the list of European “no-carbon” states, with each country generating more than 90% of their net electricity from no-carbon sources in 2012. Eight other countries

China to Build $10 Billion in LNG Ships

In part of its effort to “wage war on pollution,” as promised by Premier Li Kequiang, China’s shipyards will take upwards of $10 billion in orders for new LNG tankers this decade. Most of this demand is local, according to Choe Young-keun, an executive on the marketing planning team at South Korea’s Samsung Heavy, competitor in the drill ship, liquefied

South Korea Latest Country to Stray From Nuclear Power

South Korea, Asia’s fourth-largest economy, is struggling with recurring energy supply shortages. Despite the issue, country officials pledged to drastically scale back nuclear power at the World Energy Congress meeting on October 13, 2013. Nuclear energy accounted for 26.4% of power generation capacity in 2012, and was expected to reach 41% by the year 2035. The revised plans, despite the

Nuclear Is NOT a Future Power Technology Solution

Entergy Corporation (NYSE: ETR) announced plans on August 27, 2013, to close and decommission its Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station in Vernon, Vermont. The station is expected to cease power production after its current fuel cycle and move to safe shutdown in the fourth quarter of 2014. The station will remain under the oversight of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission throughout