Current BBI:CA Stock Info

Blackbird Energy Inc. (ticker: BBI) has released test results from its 2-20-70-6W6 Middle Montney delineation well, which is located on the company’s eastern multi-interval delineation block. The well is more than five kilometers east of Blackbird’s previous operated development drilling.

The 2-20-70-6W6 Middle Montney Delineation well produced at a short-term rate of 1,163 BOEPD, including 824 Bbls/d of condensate, Blackbird CEO and Chairman Garth Braun said. “This test represents our highest condensate rate from the Middle Montney to date, and we believe further confirms the multi-interval potential of Blackbird’s lands, which are situated in what we consider to be one of the most liquids-rich corridors in the entire Montney fairway,” Braun said.

Well Final 72 Hour Rate of 10 Day Production Test(1)(2)(3)
Condensate (Bbl/d) Natural Gas (Mcf/d) NGLs (Bbl/d) CGR(4)(Bbls/MMcf) Total (BOEPD) Lateral Length (meters)
2-20-70-6W6 (Middle Montney) 824 1,877 28 454 1,163 2,256

1) Numbers may not add due to rounding.
2) All disclosed production rates and volumes are presented net of any load fluid recovery. By the end of the 10-day production test period the well had recovered approximately 12% of load frac water.
3) All volumes are based on estimated sales production data.
4) Condensate/gas ratio (CGR) includes condensate and NGL production.

Additional news

  • Estimated behind pipe volumes – subject to the tie-in of the 2-20-70-6W6 Middle Montney delineation well, management estimates that Blackbird’s current productive capacity from its nine operated wells south of the Wapiti River to be approximately 4,800 BOEPD
  • Advancing multi-interval delineation – Blackbird will begin testing its 3-27-71-7W6 Upper Montney delineation well, which is approximately 14 kilometers north of previous development drilling, in mid-February


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