COLUMBUS, Ohio, Oct. 18, 2017 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- API Ohio today released a new radio ad entitled "Say NO to power plant bailouts." The ad will run in communities across the state and is aimed at highlighting our opposition to a taxpayer-funded bailout to certain power plants in the state.
"This ad is part of a broader effort to stop the legislation in Ohio that would skew the energy market and raise costs on consumers," said API Ohio Executive Director Chris Zeigler. "Subsidizing one form of energy over another would diminish the benefits of natural gas which provides Ohioans with affordable and reliable energy, supports 262,800 jobs in the state, and contributes nearly $40 billion to Ohio's economy."
Text of the radio ad:
Affordable, reliable electricity is vital to Ohio's future and when power plants compete, consumers and businesses win.
But some special interests want the state legislature to bail out a few power plants at the expense of Ohioans.
These taxpayer-funded bailouts will hike consumer costs, threaten our economy, and penalize clean, abundant, reliable fuels like Ohio's natural gas.
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Tell your state legislators to say NO to power plant bailouts.
A message from API Ohio.
To listen to the ad, please visit the API website.
API Ohio is a division of API, which represents all segments of America's oil and natural gas industry. Its more than 625 members include large integrated companies, as well as exploration and production, refining, marketing, pipeline, and marine businesses, and service and supply firms. They provide most of the nation's energy and are backed by a growing grassroots movement of more than 40 million Americans.
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SOURCE American Petroleum Institute