Nidec Industrial Solutions - on Target to Become Number One in Industrial Motors and Drive Systems
UDINE, Italy, December 5, 2017 /PRNewswire/ --
The road to the top is never easy and if you are a relative newcomer to the industrial sector you have to contend with the force and reputation of some very strong, well consolidated brands. It helps if you start with reliable products, which is exactly what Nidec did when it began its expansion into the industrial sector. In 2010 it purchased Emerson Electric's motor group responsible for the US Motors brand motors for commercial and industrial applications. In 2012 it purchased another historic brand, Ansaldo Sistemi Industriali, which operated on the US market as Ansaldo Ross Hill and then, for a brief period of time, as ASIRobicon (n.r. from 2000 to 2005). In 2012 Nidec also added a smaller acquisition, Avtron Industrial Automation in Cleveland, laying the foundation for what is today the backbone of Nidec Industrial Solutions North America.
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And Nidec Industrial Solutions is reinforcing the Cleveland location following the integration of the former Control Techniques facilities with the former Avtron facilities. The company has plans to hire key figures in project management and operations and is ramping up its sales activities in Battery Energy Storage. "The North American market is strategic to our growth in the industrial sector" commented Giovanni Barra, CEO of Nidec ASI with global responsibility for Nidec Industrial Solutions.
When asked about the challenge of growing the business in the current environment, Giovanni Barra had this to say - "It hasn't always been smooth sailing. Undertakings of this nature never are, aligning business strategies, transferring know-how from one region to another, integrating sales teams and best practices in project management are challenging enough but add to the equation the rhythm of mergers and acquisitions that has characterized Nidec's growth over the past few years and the task can seem daunting but our team is strong and our objective is clear. I am confident that we are on the right path for further growth."
Nidec Industrial Solutions continues to achieve strong organic growth year over year despite market turmoil in key sectors such as metals and oil & gas. Part of the recipe for success has been a focus on renewable energy technologies like Battery Energy Storage, where the company is currently one of the market leaders with 500 MWh of battery energy storage solutions installed but most of the growth comes from a strong focus on operational excellence and product innovation. This month the company is presenting two new products to the US market - an ultra-high efficiency high voltage electric motor and a high-voltage, high-power variable speed drive specifically designed for the oil and gas market. These products were developed with a focus on total cost of ownership and life cycle costs to help end users minimize operation and maintenance costs, including their electric bill.
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Pietro Lucchese: +39-335-7040604
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Source: PR Newswire
(December 5, 2017 - 8:00 AM EST)
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