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Global $7 Bn High Power Energy Harvesting Market to 2027

 September 15, 2017 - 6:00 AM EDT


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Global $7 Bn High Power Energy Harvesting Market to 2027

DUBLIN, Sept. 15, 2017 /PRNewswire/ --

The "High Power Energy Harvesting: Off-Grid 10W-1MW 2017-2027" report has been added to Research and Markets' offering.


This report reflects the new reality that energy harvesting - creation of off-grid electricity where it is needed, using ambient energy - is now widely deployable up to 100kW and beyond. This is resulting in dramatic new capabilities such as the rapidly growing number of land, water and air vehicles that operate entirely on sunshine and electricity becoming affordable and feasible in remote parts of Africa.

It will result in the electric vehicle that has longer range than the vehicles it replaces. It makes autonomous vehicles more feasible and shipping much more efficient. Only a global up-to-date view makes sense in this fast-moving subject embracing Google airborne wind energy (AWE), Facebook solar robot aircraft, Siemens small wind turbines and regenerative braking. There are already autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) and navigation buoys that combine solar and wave power.

Energy harvesting is now a booming business at the level of 10 watts to 100 kilowatts and beyond, off-grid. That includes making a vehicle, boat or plane more efficient such as energy harvesting shock absorbers and high speed flywheels, reversing alternators and motors for instance on the propeller of a boat under sail or moored in a tidestream and regeneratively soaring aircraft and braking cars and forklifts. Similar technology now harvests the energy of a swinging construction vehicle, dropping elevator and so on and soon the heat of engines will be harvested in kilowatts and off-grid wave power will become commonplace.

High power energy harvesting also embraces off-grid creation of electricity that will be used generally such as that harnessing photovoltaics, small wind turbines and what enhances or replaces them such as the new airborne wind energy (AWE). This is underwritten by both strong demand for today's forms of high power EH and a recent flood of important new inventions that increase the power capability and versatility of many of the basic technologies of energy harvesting. It all reads onto the megatrends of this century - reducing global warming and local air, water and noise pollution, relieving poverty and conserving resources.

Key Topics Covered:

1.1. Definition and characteristics
1.2. Market overview
1.3. Maturity of market by application
1.4. Hype curve for energy harvesting applications
1.5. EH systems
1.6. Multiple energy harvesting
1.7. Market forecast 2017-2027
1.8. Technology timeline 2017-2027
1.9. Detailed technology sector forecasts 2017-2027
1.10. Some energy harvesting highlights of "Analyst Show!" Berlin May 2017

2.1. HPEH Technology
2.2. Technologies compared
2.3. Mature technologies
2.4. A glimpse of the future: Lizard Electric Vehicles
2.5. Off-grid wave harvesting
2.6. HPEH in context: IRENA Roadmap to 27% Renewable
2.7. Electric vehicle end game: free non-stop road travel
2.8. Simpler, More Viable Off-grid Power in 2016
2.9. Tesla the Follower
2.10. Electricity Utilities Reinvented and Bypassed

3.1. Definition and scope
3.2. Many modes and applications compared
3.3. Flywheel KERS
3.4. Active regenerative suspension: Levant Power USA
3.5. Audi regenerative suspension
3.6. Airborne Wind Energy AWE
3.7. Favoured technologies
3.8. Reinventing Wind Turbines for Vehicles, including Energy Independent
3.9. Energy harvesting shock absorbers
3.10. Wave power competition
3.11. Energy from waves using an artificial blowhole
3.12. Witt Energy 6D Motion Harvesting for boats and buoys

4.1. Photovoltaic
4.2. Powerweave harvesting and storage e-fiber/ e-textile
4.3. Solar roads find many uses
4.4. Non-toxic and cheap thin-film solar cells
4.5. Clearwater Mills LLC - Waterwheel Powered Trash Interceptor

5.1. The Seebeck and Peltier effects
5.2. Highest power thermoelectrics
5.3. Designing for thermoelectric applications
5.4. Material choices
5.5. Other processing techniques
5.6. Manufacturing of flexible thermoelectric generators
5.7. AIST technology details
5.8. Automotive applications
5.9. Building and home automation
5.10. Solar TEG
5.11. Solar-powered EV promises 500-mile range

6.1. Geothermal
6.2. Magnetostrictive
6.3. Nantenna-diode rectenna arrays
6.4. Thermoacoustic
6.5. Electricity from car tires
6.6. Not quite energy harvesting: microbial fuel cells, directed RF, betavoltaics
6.7. Triboelectric


8.1. Agusta Westland Italy
8.2. Enerbee France
8.3. Eight19 UK
8.4. Faradair Aerospace UK
8.5. IFEVS Italy
8.6. Jabil USA
8.7. Komatsu KELK Japan
8.8. LG Chem Korea
8.9. Marlow USA
8.10. Pavegen UK
8.11. Piezotech France
8.12. RMT Russia and TEC Microsystems Germany
8.13. Examples of recent research
8.14. Examples of Interviews Concerning High Power Energy Harvesting on Marine Craft 2015
8.15. Examples of presentations at Electric and Hybrid Marine Amsterdam June 2015

For more information about this report visit

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Laura Wood, Senior Manager 

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Source: PR Newswire
(September 15, 2017 - 6:00 AM EDT)

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