Both support fracing, expansion of drilling on federal lands, ending federal government over-regulation
It was announced by the Cruz campaign today. If the combination of Texas Senator Ted Cruz with former Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina as his VP running mate entices Republican voters and convention delegates to hand the pair the Republican nomination for U.S. president and vice president, here is what the combined energy positions for this team look like.
![Oil & Gas 360 Ted Cruz Presidential Candidates on Energy - Texas Senator Ted Cruz](
1) Prevent Federal Regulation of Hydraulic Fracturing. Leave regulation of hydraulic fracturing in state hands;
2) Improve Domestic Refining Capacity. Streamline the permitting process for upgrading and building new refineries; Repeal the Renewable Fuel Standard;
3) Improve Process to Develop Energy Infrastructure. Approve and allow private sector to build the Keystone pipeline; remove barriers to developing and approving additional national pipelines and cross-border energy infrastructure;
4) Stop EPA Overreach and the War on Coal. Exclude greenhouse gases from regulation by EPA and other federal agencies; stop certain EPA regulations that will adversely impact coal and electric power plants;
5) Force Congress and the President to Vote on EPA Regulations that Kill Jobs. Require both Congress and the President to approve any EPA regulation that has a negative job impact; support passage of the REINS Act, separate piece of legislation not included in this bill, which would require congressional approval of all major rules and regulations.
6) Broaden Energy Development on Federal Land. Increase energy development on federal land; provide states the option of leasing, permitting and regulating energy resources on federal lands within their borders; or
If states do not wish to manage energy development on federal lands within their borders, the federal leasing, permitting and regulating will be reformed to increase energy development by:
Streamlining permitting for development on federal lands
Improving certainty in the leasing and development process
Expanding development of energy on federal lands
Expand energy development in National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska
Expand energy development on Indian lands
Open up the Coastal Plain of Alaska (ANWR) for development
7) Open Offshore Exploration. Expand the offshore areas of the Outer Continental Shelf available for development; streamline the permitting process for additional offshore exploration
8) Expand U.S. Energy Exports. Expand LNG exports by facilitating permits; end the crude oil export ban; prevent excessively broad environmental review of coal export terminals
9) Dedicate Additional Revenues to a Trust Fund for Debt Reduction. Direct all additional revenues generated by exploration and drilling on federal lands (excluding the share allocated to the states) exclusively to national debt reduction—“Debt Freedom Fund.”
![Oil & Gas 360 - Fiorina carly fiorina](
Crude oil export ban: I would lift the restriction on exporting oil.
Keystone XL pipeline: I support the Keystone Pipeline.
Regulations: We’re limiting our ability to find resources by imposing regulations on hydraulic fracturing and our ability to be energy independent by regulating drilling on federal lands. As President I would roll back many of these regulations.
Coal: The federal government has decided, through the EPA, basically to destroy the coal industry. They’re well on their way to doing that. In order to invest in clean coal, you need a healthy industry to make those investments, and you also need the federal government to do some of that basic research. There are some very basic things that the federal government could be helpful on.
Climate change: the answer to this is innovation not regulation.
An energy independent America: We can be energy independent almost any time we want in the sense that most of the constraints are self-imposed. We shouldn’t be irresponsible with safety or conservation, but we must stop limiting our ability to find resources.
Clean coal technology: This is a better, more productive answer than shutting down our own coal plants while the Chinese continue to burn coal at tremendous rates. It destroys our coal mining community, it’s bad for our economy, and it doesn’t allow us to invest in the technology that ultimately could make a difference in climate change by having a positive impact on China’s coal burning industry.
Renewable fuels standard: it’s not the government’s job to determine market access. I support phasing out sugar, oil, and renewable fuels at the same time so that we’re not impinging on any one state or industry.