Sunday, February 2, 2025

Colorado Drafting Changes to Emissions Rules: April 15 Deadline for Comments

Colorado Air Pollution Control Division is considering rule revisions for Oil & Gas operations

Colorado may face stricter air pollution control rules in the near future as the Regional Air Quality Council considers rule revisions to bring the state into compliance with federal pollution regulations.

The Denver-metropolitan and North Front Range areas were designated by the EPA as marginal “nonattainment areas” for ozone emission standards in 2012, and the EPA is expected to modify the designation to moderate nonattainment area this year, according to the Colorado state government.

The nonattainment designations mean that ozone levels exceed the 2008 federal standard of 75 parts per billion (ppb), averaged over three years.

In order to bring the state back into compliance, the Air Pollution Control Division is initiating a stakeholder process to consider potential Air Quality Control Commission rule revisions. The proposed rule revisions are available by clicking here.

The oil and gas specific rule revisions are available here.

Proposed changes to the oil and gas sector include changes in the permitting process, record keeping for annual compliance, well completions and leak detection and repair, and changes in regulatory guidance.

A complete copy of the regulations with the proposed changes marked in blue can be seen here.

Comments can be submitted to the Air Pollution Control Division until midnight on April 15th.
