EnerCom, Inc. today posted video interviews with executives on Oil & Gas 360®, the company’s one-stop source of oil and gas news, information and analysis from the professionals at EnerCom, Inc.
The interview series conducted at EnerCom’s The Oil & Gas Conference® 18 includes a total of 18 interviews covering a variety of topics. All the interviews can be found here or by clicking the individual links below.
Interview Participants:
- William Gibbs, Chairman and CEO at American Sands Energy (ticker: AMSE)
- Myron Stadnyk, President and CEO at ARC Resources (ticker: ARX)
- Douglas Brooks, Chief Executive Officer at Aurora Oil & Gas Limited (ticker: AEF and AUT)
- Dan Lanskey, Managing Director at AusTex Oil (ticker: ATO and AOK)
- Mel Riggs, Chief Operating Officer at Clayton Williams Energy (ticker: CWEI)
- David Demshur, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer at Core Lab (ticker: CLB)
- Steve Jumper, President and Chief Executive Officer at Dawson Geophysical (ticker DWSN)
- McAndrew Rudisill, President at Emerald Oil (ticker: EOX)
- John Schiller, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer at Energy XXI (ticker: EXXI)
- Russ Porter, President and Chief Executive Officer at Gastar Exploration (ticker: GST)
- Gary Evans, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer at Magnum Hunter Resources (ticker: MHR)
- Chuck Wilson, Chief Operating Officer at Nighthawk Energy (ticker: HAWK)
- David Preng, Founder and President at Preng & Associates
- Jeff Ventura, President and Chief Executive Officer at Range Resources (ticker: RRC)
- James Bennett, President and Chief Executive Officer at SandRidge Energy (ticker: SD)
- Neal Dingmann, Managing Director at SunTrust Robinson Humphrey
- Malone Mitchell, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer at TransAtlantic Petroleum (ticker: TAT)
- Steve Lucado, Chairman at Trans Energy Inc. (ticker: TENG)
Global sponsors of Oil & Gas 360® are Credit Agricole Corporate & Investment Bank, Netherland Sewell & Associates, Preng & Associates, and Hein and Associates.
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