Monday, September 16, 2024

360 Digital Closing Bell 7-21-2020

Michael Tanner hosts the 360 Digital Closing Bell – out every day in your e-mail.  The best 8 min summary of the energy markets.

Michael covers the highlights ,just because we are not shutting down the pipeline, we are not defiying the court …

International News Desk: storage filling up around the world at 1.3 billion barrrels of over supply in worldwide oil storage. Russia 21,000 tonne diesel spill has had a $2.1 billion dollar lawsuit filed. Greenpeace compared the incident to the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill.

Check out the Oil & Gas 360 News Desk for all of our charts, and show notes.

Oil and Gas 360 News Desk

Show Notes: 

Goldman warns delayed election results this November similar to Bush-Gore could rock the market

Russia’s Nornickel disputes $2 billion Arctic spill damages claim

Cheap Energy Was A Surprise Benefit Of QE, But That May Be Ending

China hires Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs to advise on pipeline asset transfers: sources

U.S. crude oil inventories increase by 5.7 million barrels

End of an era? Series of U.S. setbacks bodes ill for big oil, gas pipeline projects



Transcript: * “Its more like a guideline” – Capt Jack Sparrow, Pirates of the Caribbean .*Automatically transcribed by Trint – may contain grammatical errors.  – uploading shortly….


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