RRSP Investors: How to Protect Against Volatility in the Near Term
Having enough money to be able to live a comfortable life and pay bills without working any…
Having enough money to be able to live a comfortable life and pay bills without working any…
World Oil (Bloomberg) — Nigeria’s state energy company won a court decision temporarily blocking Exxon Mobil Corp. from selling assets in the country to Seplat Energy Plc. A judge in the capital, Abuja, granted the Nigerian National Petroleum Co. an “order of interim injunction” on July 6 barring Exxon “from completing any divestment” in a unit that ultimately operates four
Yahoo Finance LONDON -Western energy majors will cut output and lose billions of dollars if Russia, as is feared, suspends a pipeline that is almost the only export route for oil from land-locked Kazakhstan, company sources, traders and analysts say. The closure of the CPC pipeline that carries oil from Kazakhstan to the Black Sea Russian export terminal in the
The market rally off the pandemic lows saw many stocks provide savvy investors with 100% ga…
CNBC Europe is bracing for an extended shutdown of Russian gas supplies as maintenance work begins on the Nord Stream 1 pipeline that brings gas to Germany via the Baltic Sea. Operator Nord Stream AG confirmed the work, which is scheduled to run from Monday through to July 21, got underway as planned Monday morning. Russian gas flows via
World Oil (Bloomberg) — Suncor Energy Inc.’s chief executive officer stepped down on Friday after a series of fatalities at the company’s oil sands sites shook confidence in its management. Mark Little agreed to leave as president and CEO and resign from the board of directors “effective immediately,” the company said in a release. Kris Smith, executive vice president for
World Oil Employment in the U.S. oilfield services and equipment sector rose by an estimated 4,999 jobs to 633,198 in June, according to preliminary data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and analysis by the Energy Workforce & Technology Council, and after adjustments to May numbers. May adjusted number of 628,190 is down from the preliminary of 628,793. Gains
The growing concerns over a potential recession due to tighter monetary policy to tame the hi…
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