5 Top Weekly TSX Stocks: Oil Jumps, Stocks Follow Ahead of OPEC Meeting
5 Top Weekly TSX Stocks: Oil Jumps, Stocks Follow Ahead of OPEC Meeting
5 Top Weekly TSX Stocks: Oil Jumps, Stocks Follow Ahead of OPEC Meeting
US International Trade Commission Issues Final Determination Confirming No Infringement of Hanwha Q-Cells’ Patent by REC Group
WorldOil LONDON (Bloomberg) –On the surface, it’s the old OPEC strategy of production cuts. When the cartel and its allies meet on Saturday, they are set to extend their output curbs for an extra month into July in an effort to consolidate the price recovery. But a closer look shows subtle changes that point to Saudi Arabia, Russia and their
EnergyTrend Oil & Gas Publishers Note: Ok, now you have my attention. Wood towers capable of replacing the steel towers of a wind farm would help eliminate a large pollution side effect from wind farms. Wind turbine towers are for the most part made of steel, which means the larger the wind turbine, the more steel used in the construction
Financial Post Oil & Gas 360 Publishers Note: Ok now I am interested, looking for the next floating wind farm. Call me a skeptic, and we can see it when the tide comes in. Will the blades be recyclable, and what is the life span? (Bloomberg) — The turbine inventor Henrik Stiesdal is small in the shadows of gigantic curves
Looking To Buy Penny Stocks Right Now? 3 To Watch
MarineLink Oil & Gas 360 Publishers Note: We addressed this on Friday’s closing bell. We had indicated to our audience that there was much more to this story. The United States is considering imposing sanctions on dozens of additional foreign oil tankers for trading with Venezuela, U.S. officials told Reuters on Friday, the latest effort to sever what Washington sees
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