Thursday, March 6, 2025
DeepOcean-arrives-for-Troll-phase-3-umbilicals -oilandgas360

DeepOcean arrives for Troll phase 3 umbilicals

DeepOcean’s 150-metre-long offshore construction vessel Edda Freya has arrived at Nexans Norway’s factory in Halden to load umbilical for Equinor’s Troll Phase 3 project. The Norwegian offshore contractor will install the umbillical in the North Sea later in the summer. DeepOcean’s work scope for the project covers project management, engineering, procurement, fabrication and offshore installation activities. Specifically, the work includes installation

Supreme Court to Take PennEast Pipeline Case -Lets hope so - oilandgas360

Supreme Court to Take PennEast Pipeline Case? Let’s Hope So!

Natural Gas Now Oil & Gas 360 Publishers Note: This is an excellent Op-Ed piece by Jim Willis about the rights of land owners, eminent domain, and left wing government forcing their will on pipelines. This is almost a “government gone gangster” to stop pipelines.  Jim says Pennsylvania’s Department of Community and Economic Development a/k/a DCED is treating the Mariner

Schlumbergerd7-4B loss sets stage for most uncertain future -oilandgas360

Schlumberger’s $7.4B loss sets stage for ‘most uncertain’ future

Chron Schlumberger, the largest oil field service company, said Friday it lost $7.4 billion in the first quarter. Then its CEO said the second quarter will be worse. The company attributed the loss to writing down the value of assets by $8.5 billion because of oil prices at 20-year lows and the collapse of demand created by shutdown orders during

Akademik-Lomonosov -Russian regulator approves infrastructure work for floating NPP -oilandgas360

Russian regulator approves infrastructure work for floating Nuclear Power Plant

World Nuclear News Glavgosexpertiza announced on 15 April that it had reviewed the design documentation and the results of engineering surveys for construction of coastal and hydraulic engineering buildings, as well as facilities and equipment needed for the plant’s physical protection. Based on the results of this research, the regulator said it had reached a “positive conclusion”. “Construction of the

For example, when you buy commodities, you are betting, partially, that people will be incompetent at producing or obtaining them. Occasionally this happens, but not for very long. Commodity prices rose in the mid-2000s because of other factors, such as a sharp rise in inflation expectations, resulting in large institutional allocations to commodities via commodity index swaps. But it wasn’t because we screwed things up.

Human ingenuity will solve the coronavirus, but I’m worried we might screw up everything else

For example, when you buy commodities, you are betting, partially, that people will be incompetent at producing or obtaining them. Occasionally this happens, but not for very long. Commodity prices rose in the mid-2000s because of other factors, such as a sharp rise in inflation expectations, resulting in large institutional allocations to commodities via commodity index swaps. But it wasn’t