Sungrow Bags Supply Contract with Smart Power for a 30MW/30MWh Energy Storage Project in Germany
Sungrow Bags Supply Contract with Smart Power for a 30MW/30MWh Energy Storage Project in Germany
Sungrow Bags Supply Contract with Smart Power for a 30MW/30MWh Energy Storage Project in Germany
Automotive Electric Fuel Pumps Market Worth $18.44 Billion by 2025 | CAGR: 5.0%: Grand View Research, Inc.
From RTTNews TechnipFMC (FTI) agreed to pay a total of $296 million to resolve allegations the company bribed Brazilian and Iraqi officials, the U.S Justice Department said. Technip USA and Technip’s former consultant pleaded guilty today in connection with the resolution, the Justice Department said. Of the total fine amount, Technip will pay $214 million to Brazilian authorities, which brought
From Reuters MEXICO CITY — Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said on Tuesday that production at state oil company Pemex has stabilized, despite a report showing that output fell in May from April. Pemex, which has long struggled to reverse declining production, reported on Monday that its crude output dipped 0.7% in May. “I have different information,” Lopez Obrador said
$2.44 Billion Power Module Packaging Market – Global Growth, Trends, and Forecast 2019-2024 –
From Workboat By Kirk Moore Offshore wind energy developer Ørsted was awarded a 1,100-megawatt commitment from the state of New Jersey Friday for its Ocean Wind project off Atlantic City, the single largest award to date for the budding U.S. industry. “After so many years New Jersey is finally open for business as far as offshore wind is concerned,” said Joseph Fiordaliso, president of the
Visiongain Report: Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Bunkering Market will see a Capital Expenditure (capex) of $843mn
Insights Into the Global Ortho-Xylene Market 2019-2024: Projecting a CAGR of More Than 4.2%
Fission 3.0 Hits Alteration, Faulting at Cree Bay; Plans Follow-Up Drilling
myFC Showcases its Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology at MWC Shanghai
Africa Oil Announces Heads of Terms Signed for First Ever Oil Development in Kenya
SDX ENERGY PLC (“SDX” or the “Company”) – Oil discovery at Rabul-7 Well, West Gharib Concession, Egypt
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