Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Ohio Rig Count Drops 28%

U.S. rig count drops by 11 By Richard Rostad, analyst, Oil & Gas 360 Drilling activity continued to decline this week, the third drop in a row according to the Baker Hughes Weekly Rig Count. A net eleven rigs came offline in the week, dropping the national total to 1,027. The total U.S. rig count has fallen by 56 since

CU Denver Business School Study Itemizes $ Billions in Paychecks, Colorado Schools, Services from Oil & Gas Drilling and Production - Colorado Capitol - Oil & Gas 360

Colorado Oil & Gas Overhaul Bill Passes Third Committee Hearing, Senate Floor is Next

With 6 Dems and 4 Republicans on Senate Appropriations Committee, advancement after Friday’s hearing was virtually assured  The Colorado General Assembly is wasting no time rocketing the contentious energy revamp bill through the State House. Senate Bill 19-181 was introduced on March 1, 2019—just a week ago—and It’s moving along partisan lines at record speed. By the end of business

Delivering Game Changing Environmental Performance: ‘More Canadian Oil and Gas on the Global Market will Reduce GHG Emissions’ – CNQ Exec. Vice Chairman

“It’s not 2009 anymore” By Richard Rostad, analyst, Oil & Gas 360 The Canadian oil sands have often been criticized as a particularly environmentally unfriendly source of oil, but Canadian Natural Resources (stock ticker: CNQ) disagrees. CNQ’s Executive Vice Chairman Steve Laut laid out the environmental case for the company’s activities in its conference call yesterday, explaining “When it comes

Venezuela Must Pay Conoco More Than $8 Billion: World Bank

From Reuters Venezuela must pay ConocoPhillips more than $8 billion to compensate for the 2007 expropriation of oil assets by the late socialist leader Hugo Chavez, the World Bank ruled on Friday, making the U.S. energy company the largest victor in claims stemming from nationalizations in the OPEC country. The company may have to fight to collect. Venezuela has balked