CONSOL Energy and Komatsu receive 2018 NIOSH Mine Safety and Health Technology Innovations Award
CONSOL Energy and Komatsu receive 2018 NIOSH Mine Safety and Health Technology Innovations Award
CONSOL Energy and Komatsu receive 2018 NIOSH Mine Safety and Health Technology Innovations Award
Western Canadian Select’s discount widens to $40.75 a barrel From Bloomberg Canadian heavy crude’s discount to West Texas Intermediate futures increased to the widest in almost five years, raising the specter of local oil producers curtailing operations. Western Canadian Select’s discount for November fell $1.25 to $40.75 a barrel Tuesday, the biggest since November 2013, data compiled by Bloomberg show.
Yield on 30-year bond also tops 2018 peak to four-year high From Bloomberg The yield on 10-year Treasuries rose to the highest level since 2011, eclipsing the previous 2018 peak set in May as economic data helped fuel optimism about the American economy. The rate on 30-year securities reached a four-year high and the dollar gained. Improved investor appetite for
Article 605 seen as no longer necessary with output booming From Bloomberg With the U.S. gushing oil at record levels, America apparently no longer needs to preserve Canada as its emergency crude supplier. Missing in the North American trade pact unveiled Monday is a controversial provision from the old Nafta requiring Canada to provide a percentage of its energy exports to its
Zenergy Brands, Inc. (ZNGY) Announces New Subsidiary Name Change amid Smart Utility Rebranding Drive
Epsilon Announces Election of Board of Directors
Georgia Power customers to see credit on October bills
Winright Resources Holdings, LLC Partners with North Hudson to Continue Its Acquisition and Development Program in the Anadarko Basin
NevadaNano Releases New Automated Flammable Gas Sensor That Improves Safety And Lowers Cost Of Ownership
Noble Corporation plc To Announce Third Quarter 2018 Results
Peoples Gas Completes Installation of the First WATT Residential Fuel Cell in Western Pennsylvania
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