Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Northern Oil & Gas (NYSE: NOG) – Day Three Breakout Notes

Northern Oil & Gas presents at EnerCom’s The Oil & Gas Conference® Northern Oil & Gas (ticker: NOG) is a non-operator franchise in the Bakken and Three Forks plays in the Williston Basin of North Dakota and Montana. Northern has targeted areas in the Williston Basin where activity levels are the highest and offers the highest rates of return on oil

Flotek Industries (NYSE: FTK) – Day Three Breakout Notes

Flotek Industries presents at EnerCom’s The Oil & Gas Conference® Flotek Industries (ticker: FTK) develops and delivers prescriptive chemistry-based technology, including specialty chemicals, to clients in the energy, consumer industrials and food & beverage industries. Q2 highlights Second quarter revenue decreased 3.7% sequentially to $39.5 million, and decreased 40.0% year-over-year. Received the single largest CnF order in Company history, which

Day Three at the 2018 EnerCom Conference

The third day of the 2018 EnerCom The Oil & Gas Conference brought out a range of producers and oilfield service companies, plus three panels to wrap up the day–Oil & Gas in Mexico, an International Operators panel and a Private Company panel. Encana (ticker: ECA), Nabors Industries (ticker: NBR), Felix Energy (private), Razor Energy (ticker: RZE), Unit Corp. (ticker:

Largest Energy IPO of 2019 - Oil & Gas 360

The Next Big Bet in Fracing: Water

From The Wall Street Journal Some investors see fortunes to be made in the U.S.’s hottest oil field—by speculating in water, not crude. Fledgling companies, many backed by private equity, are rushing to help shale drillers deal with one of their trickiest problems: what to do with the vast volumes of wastewater that are a byproduct of fracking wells. When