EON NRG Ltd (ICRMF) Powder River Basin Drill Prospect
EON NRG Ltd (ICRMF) Powder River Basin Drill Prospect
EON NRG Ltd (ICRMF) Powder River Basin Drill Prospect
Resolute Energy Corporation Announces Operating and Financial Results for the Quarter Ended June 30, 2018
Perpetual Energy Inc. Receives Statement of Claim
International panel awards Cool Energy the prestigious ‘Label’
Gran Tierra Energy reported its Q2 earnings and held a conference call covering current well activity and production. Excerpts from the Q2 earnings call are below: Q : I’ll start with production. I’d like to drill you a bit more on production please. You increased your spending twice this year now, granted the – majority of that was for infrastructure,
Hallador Energy Reports Results For Second Quarter And First Six Months Of 2018
98,492 verified voter signatures are required to make the ballot – Macquarie Research believes proponents have turned in ~170,000 signatures Colorado ballot initiative 97, the proposed change to state statute–changing the law to impose mandatory 2,500-foot drilling setbacks around protected areas like rivers and water sources and all occupied structures, and give local governments their own power to impose bigger
SM Energy Recently held its Q2 Earnings Call. Selected excerpts from the call are below. Q: As we look at CapEx coming down a little bit in the fourth quarter and a large pad looking to start up sometime during the first quarter, realizing that can move around, what’s the thoughts around the potential for fairly lumpy growth as you
Concho Resources (ticker: CXO) now running 32 rigs Q: When I’m looking at the various kind of sizes of the projects, anywhere from kind of 5-well pads to 20-well pads. And you all do mention in the slides that, for example, on the Dominator pad like you all had to basically coordinate over a year in advance with the midstream
Otter Tail Corporation Announces Second Quarter Earnings
Valmont Acquires Industry-Leading Manufacturer of Engineered Overhead Sign Structures
Lilis Energy Provides Second Quarter 2018 and Year-To-Date Operating Results
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