Sunday, February 9, 2025

Anadarko Q2 DJ Production Averaged 261 MBOEPD

Delaware Basin jumps 88% to 62 MBOEPD Anadarko Petroleum Corporation (NYSE: APC) announced 2018 Q2 results, reporting net income of $29 million, or $0.05 per share (diluted). Net cash provided by operating activities in Q2 2018 was $1.23 billion. Highlights Increased U.S. onshore oil volumes by 47% YOY Improved per-barrel margins by nearly 50% YOY Expanded West Texas infrastructure with

Weekly Oil Storage: Small Build

The EIA released its weekly Petroleum Status Report today, outlining how national oil and refined product stocks have changed in the last week. Crude oil stocks rose by 3,803 MBBL last week to 408,740 MBBL from 404,937 MBBL. This is 15% below the 481,888 MBBL that was in storage at this point last year, and is 1% below the five-year

CU Denver Business School Study Itemizes $ Billions in Paychecks, Colorado Schools, Services from Oil & Gas Drilling and Production - Colorado Capitol - Oil & Gas 360

Oil & Gas Industry Supporters Encourage You to Join the Energy Proud Rally at the Colorado State Capitol

Lunch hour rally on Thursday Aug. 2 features speakers discussing industry benefits to Colorado and society as a whole The international ‘keep it in the ground’ environmental movement may be trying to stop the extraction and use of oil and gas through rallies, marches, demonstrations, ballot initiatives and social media campaigns, but Thursday Aug. 2, the Colorado oil and gas

Colorado Energy Law Fallout: Boulder County Enacts Emergency Oil and Gas Moratorium through Q1 2020 - Oil & Gas 360

Window Closing on Colorado Initiative 97: Voter Signature Collection Period Ends this Weekend

Initiative 97 imposes a mandatory statewide minimum 2,500-foot drilling setback, also cedes power to local governments to increase setbacks This is the final week for environmental activist groups and Colorado Rising to gather signatures for Colorado ballot initiative 97. It’s the initiative that asks voters to change existing state law to impose a 2,500-foot setback on new oil and