Saturday, January 18, 2025

Bakken-Only Light Oil Refinery to Break Ground in July

U.S. refinery capacity remained in stasis during 2017-2018 The EIA reported on Monday that as of January 1, 2018, U.S. operable atmospheric crude distillation capacity totaled 18.6 million barrels per calendar day (b/cd), a slight decrease of 0.1% since the beginning of 2017 according to the administration’s annual Refinery Capacity Report. But in North Dakota at least, some new refining

3,370 Wells Await Completion in the Permian

Total U.S. DUC count stands at 7,945: EIA Drilling activity significantly outpaced completions this in June. The EIA estimates that the number of drilled uncompleted (DUC) wells in the major shale basins has grown by 193. There are now about 7,945 DUCs in the country. The increase in DUC count was driven by the Permian as usual, with operators drilling